I'm wondering about which line I should go down with prestige classes, im a human sorcerer. I like to be able to solo and also function well in a party. Also, are dragonmark feats worth getting?
I'm wondering about which line I should go down with prestige classes, im a human sorcerer. I like to be able to solo and also function well in a party. Also, are dragonmark feats worth getting?
Levelling-wise, Fire Savant I/II are great for those undead-heavy quests and with a splash of acid you can handle most fire-immune mobs. Once you hit 18, Wind Savants are nigh unstoppable zerging machines.
Basically just focus on the Electric and Ice line for happy double DoTsWater Savants are pretty much the same as Wind at end-game in terms of DPS potential.
Personally I won't recommend Fire Savants for end-game as a lot of mobs are immune to fire, though with the expansion their viability does increase a bit.
Haven't had much experience with Earth Savants but the Acid DoT looks pretty nifty.
Dragonmarks on a feat-starved class is not recommended, besides anything you can get from them are already covered by spells/scrolls. On a fleshy, you can bump up enough UMD for pretty reliable Heal-scroll healing, though on my fleshy I always wind up rolling 1, 1, 1, 1 :P
The usual feats would be Toughness, Maximise, Heighten, SF: Evocation, Spell Penetration/GSP if you like landing insta-kills and for fleshies Skill Focus: UMD wouldn't hurt. Extend is debatable but I don't usually waste a feat on it. I've kept Empower for nuking but I'm not sure what the current consensus is on the viability.
Sarlona: Facerollnuds(23Sor) - Bonknuds(17Clr/3Mnk) - Rushnuds(20FvS) - Tasteslike(20Sor)
Squishynuds(13Wiz) - and 100 other mules/gimps :P
[Solo Guild - Team Nuds] Feel free to blacklist/friend/whatever.
I agree with most of what is said here, except for feat selection. Personally, I went with toughness, SF evocation, GSF evocation, empower, maximise, extend (for haste/rage/displacement), and the sorc PL. Of course, my sorc is a toaster, so I don't have to worry about UMD, but for a fleshie you could easily drop the PL feat for skill focus UMD. I personally avoided the spell pen line and heighten as I have found it is usually quicker and easier for a sorc to kill something with a well placed nuke than trying to finger/wail something, as your DC's most likely won't cut it without heavy investment into the character (such as multiple past lives). Also, with the new end game content, I at least feel that fire savants could be useful again, as I haven't noticed much that is immune to fire.
I agree with losing the spell pen and heighten. If you are a first life sorc there is no sense trying to do anything other then nuke. A well placed polar ray is your FoD. Also do not forget to add mental toughness or if you can fit it in Improved Mental toughness, the extra sp, (yes even on a sorc) never hurts.
Heighten is actually crucial for sorcs as it can be applied to SLAs for free. Especially if you go for Water Savant as Niacs are all-out-or-nothing with saves. With this in mind, I realise Empower would still be worth grabbing as a Max/Emp/Heightend SLA is very formidable indeed
Instakill-wise, I can land Fingers/Wail pretty reliably from mid to eNormal quests on my first life fleshy. On my main (WF, lower DC) I can pretty much faceroll through most eH/E and the new content with Finger/Wail/Circle of Death.
Usually my method is to pop all instakills and clean up the rest with SLAs. Save pure nuking (DoTs/SLA) for bosses and red-named.
IMO getting a nice Wizardry or Archmagi item if possible is better than wasting a feat on Mental Toughness on Sorcs(105 sp for a feat is pretty inefficient IMO).
Of course to each their own and once you have the main nuking feats, the rest you can fill in to fit your play-style![]()
Sarlona: Facerollnuds(23Sor) - Bonknuds(17Clr/3Mnk) - Rushnuds(20FvS) - Tasteslike(20Sor)
Squishynuds(13Wiz) - and 100 other mules/gimps :P
[Solo Guild - Team Nuds] Feel free to blacklist/friend/whatever.
As a water savant sorc, I rarely if ever use FoD. Only in quests like Prey on the Hunter where a quick energy drain then FoD is the best way to deal with those Giants. I am also a SP *****. I feel like if I can't get my sp total up to well over 3k then I am screwing up somehow. So for me 105 sp per feat is worth it, but that may be my own neurotic-ness. Like you said, to each his own and it is how you play your toon.