So, with the free LR going around to everyone, Im thinking its time for me to ungimp my first toon.
He is a Kopesh Kensai III ftr20. I learned a whole lot making this toon, and was able to salvage him partway enough to reach cap. Now that the cap is raised, Im thinking its time to decide to TR or keep going.
I kinda want to see what he can do when people who know what they are doin take a look at him.
My main focus for now is the feats, as I had a very PnP mentality when I took them.
U14 has also thrown what ive learned up in the air again..
Feats: (in no particular order)
Diehard (loose it)
EWP: Kophesh (keep it, too much greensteel now..)
Twf (duh...)
Gtwf (needed nowadays?)
Improved Crit: Slashing (heard something about a kophesh nerf, and this now being a waste)
Oversized Twf: (penalty here doesnt seem so harsh in the end game)
Power Attack: (Is the new trend here precision?)
Weapon Focus: Slashing (Kensai pre-req)
Swf: (kensai again)
Two weapon blocking: (loose it, I have shield I can swap into)
Two weapon defenses: (loose it... I coulda been a SD if I wanted)
Power crit: Slashing
Stunning blow: (I rarley if ever stun, and when I do, it didnt matter anyway.)
Power crit seemed like a bit waste to me, but I read on release day that it added 2 damage before multipliers, not just a higher confirm "to hit." Thats sounding real nice.. but hows it really look when you smart folks do that mathy stuff?
I also dont really see the need for the defenses or blocking.. I was picking whatever I thought was nice on lvl up, and really feel like they were a waste of time..
Another big let down..... NO IMPROVED SUNDER!!!
I really want to make some room for some sort of debuff.. If Im not tanking.. I want to contribute more than just auto attack.
I still sunder Harry once in a blue with a 20.. but I would like to see that matter a bit more for the spell slingers behind me.
I also want to fit in trip, but I think thats asking too much. I have a feeling it would work out better for me than stun. Mebey If I could stun more often, I wouldent want to knock stuff over so much.
So.. with all the changes.. what do I loose, and what do I gain?