So it wasn't a bug after all, but a last minute nerf?
From the release notes:
"Spells that gain reduced benefit from spell power now mention it in their descriptions (Heal, Mass Heal, and some spell-like abilities)."
BTW, I've noticed the issue on a number of spells producing below where spell power boosts would predict, so this isn't just a nerf of heals.
Seriously, why was this necessary? People complain that "caster" damage is crazy. The attempt to cut that damage down was met with complaints from arcanes, and was mitigated somewhat (by restoring power to metas). Yet once again, divines get the nerf, and a last second one at that. Most of my damage spells (including healing) are below the last beta before the update.
I kept playing because I assumed this was simply a bug, and would be fixed. Hit points went up. Enemy damage went up. Arcane damage, with the right equipment, went up. And Heal, blade barrier, and DP went down. Mass heal went up, yes, but that the only thing that went up. Find for stationary beatdowns, less practical for rapidly moving parties that won't stand still for that long casting time.
Thank you very much Turbine. Of all the little bugs and issues, this was the one that actually concerned me the most. It means those spells are a good 30% below what they would have been otherwise. So completely and totally unnecessary. So that enhancement line that says it's adding 80% to healing/light damage? Nope, it's adding 40. That weapon adding 90 spell power? Not for divines -- they only get 45 from it.
Not only is it unnecessary, sadly, yes, it IS a deal-breaker for me. Because it comes along with everyone having more HP, taking more damage, and dealing more damage. This is very unjust, IMO. Honestly, if any other class took a 30% hit to it's bread and butter (comparing to last beta and where it should be, not pre-update live), there would be riots.
What a disappointment, Turbine. And you didn't even do this openly, to solicit feedback, you snuck it in at the last second.