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So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons (with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does.
In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there.
This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it.
Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex).
I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere!
It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places.
I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3).
But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol.
Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs?
Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck?
Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.