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  1. #1
    Community Member Syrophir's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Lightbulb Holdlike effect + Bluff/Blindness/Deception/...

    One of the oldest and most annoying issues is enemies under any kind of hold starting to move after using at least Bluff/Blindness/Deception. This behavior happens every time, some times it's just a few steps sometimes they run far away or just start to follow.

    Now that assassinate is broken, drawing aggro by doing damage before kill check preventing the death effect, I sometimes go hit my target with sap (feat) to make it stand still and then bluff this target to make it vulnerable to sneak attacks, and after that assassinate works. The problem though is that I have noticed every time I use bluff the text I posted above about held ones starting to move happens, easily preventing a succesful hit to assassinate.

    Bluff: Makes the held target move a few steps, run away for a bit or just follow the bluffer.
    Blindness: Makes the target randomly move around.
    Deception: Works similar to both, not sure which one it is.

    I haven't tested if Intimidate or Diplomancy skills have similar effect to held targets.

    I guess the problem of the held targets moving is somewhere how/where these effects apply not in hold effects itself. I, among many, would really love to see this persistent issue go away one day hence the post, just trying to help and bring this up once again.

    Last edited by Syrophir; 07-05-2012 at 08:41 AM.
    Guild: aLiclan Main: Ichilphira (FvS/Caster) Prime alt: Ichilphrion (Melee)
    Has been playing DDO, on and off, since 2006.
    Moved from Keeper/EU to Thelanis in 2010.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery jejeba86's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Syrophir View Post
    One of the oldest and most annoying issues is enemies under any kind of hold starting to move after using at least Bluff/Blindness/Deception. This behavior happens every time, some times it's just a few steps sometimes they run far away or just start to follow.

    Now that assassinate is broken, drawing aggro by doing damage before kill check preventing the death effect, I sometimes go hit my target with sap (feat) to make it stand still and then bluff this target to make it vulnerable to sneak attacks, and after that assassinate works. The problem though is that I have noticed every time I use bluff the text I posted above about held ones starting to move happens, easily preventing a succesful hit to assassinate.

    Bluff: Makes the held target move a few steps, run away for a bit or just follow the bluffer.
    Blindness: Makes the target randomly move around.
    Deception: Works similar to both, not sure which one it is.

    I haven't tested if Intimidate or Diplomancy skills have similar effect to held targets.

    I guess the problem of the held targets moving is somewhere how/where these effects apply not in hold effects itself. I, among many, would really love to see this persistent issue go away one day hence the post, just trying to help and bring this up once again.

    This surely is one old and terribly annoying bug.
    Madfloyd or Maj, can you finally help us with this?

    Forgot to mention, this happens to me many times when I run into a mob and trip him as first action. I don't use any skill, but they go but sliding.
    Last edited by jejeba86; 07-05-2012 at 09:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    No wonder my assassinate hasnt worked since I recently got it. I thought I just suked more than usual.

    The sliding issue is a bummer but still its better than the old days of ranged mobs running endlessly come hell or high waters until they were dead.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

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