DDO is realy slowly becoming unplayable game.
We have now year 2012, and yet we are playing game that is many times unplayable becouse server lag.
And i dont know why you guys dont want to admit it.
Game is full of players complaining about lag spikes.
When whole harbor is frozen and cant move it is possible to survive,
When same thing happens in quest it is a serious problem.
I know that you in turbine have long term police of denying existence of lag.
There is no way to subimit a server lag spike,
there is no option for it in ticket title or bug repor. SERVER LAG SPIKE.
If you send a ticket, you are send back and forward to turbine support, when they are starting to check your dxdiag (to blame graphic lag), then they are suggesting that you should check you internet connection (which is completly fine with short ping, and 0% of lost packages)...
Not even single "sorry for troubles in game it is our fault"
Not even once!
And i was submiting bug reports, sending tickets many times when WHOLE raid group was laging
You can ban me for that, delete post or whatever but here is the hard thuth for you dear Trubine tech support:
Check your brain connection.
Make an account in game not on frikin pre-alpha test servers and start playing it. We will see how will you feel about lag spikes.
How can i convince you and prove to you that you have server lag problem?
Do you even admit that problem?
Do i need to make a video and post it on youtube how DDO play is REALY looking?
Master Artificer boss fight when trash spawns...
Velah fire breaths escapes when ppl CAN'T move...
And many other quests and raids when you can't move, can't use your clicky, cant do ANYTHING.
I dont know what is a problem cozing your lag, is it your server crapy upload speed, or is it your server crapy computing power, or is it your server crapy download ability.
We have 2012 so blaming crapy source code of DDO is no excuse when to increase game performance you just need only to improve your servers and you can do it much cheaper then a few years ago. Possibly much cheaper then redoing DDO source code.
But as for now the only answer we got from you is total ignoration of the problem.
"there is no lag in ddo"
And yes, im realy angry after another HUGE server lag spike in harbor, so i realy dont care what you will do to my account or this post.
One is sure whatever you will do, it will not FIX THE LAG.
I ask for evryone who is/was/will be annoyed by lag, to simply fill a bug report.
Turbine deny and fear to use word Server Lag, so can we.
Can't move, can't use clicky - it is an ingame bug (clearly not a server lag by turbine tech suport standards).