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Thread: AC twists

  1. #1
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    Default AC twists

    Just wondering what twists will boost AC... Don't wanna bother with em if they aren't worth it. I already have improved CE twisted from dreadnaught.

    Draconic: Dragonhide = +3 natural armor.
    - does it stack with barkskin or 3 piece abishai set?

    Shadowdancer: Lithe = +2 AC w/ 3 ranks
    - wiki says 3 ranks does that mean possibility of +6 AC? Or is this only with light armor? Description seems vague.

    If there's anymore out there please enlighten me as well as any twists that add useful PPR. Thanks for the input.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Truga's Avatar
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    I'd go try for PRR if your AC is already high...

  3. #3
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    I haven't seen any twists that really add PRR either so that looks like it will just be gear. Just need the favor to make the new redscale for max AC/PRR but looks like it's not possible till the new raid.
    Characters: Groundnpound - Whatmanabar - Paleforce - ChonknorrisCaelasreth - Giggidy - DrGinger - Brassmonkey

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  4. #4
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Improved Combat Expertise in Legendary Dreadnought does +20 PRR.

  5. #5
    Founder Stanley_Nicholas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giggiddy View Post
    I haven't seen any twists that really add PRR either so that looks like it will just be gear. Just need the favor to make the new redscale for max AC/PRR but looks like it's not possible till the new raid.
    IIRC, I believe the tier 3 water stance ability in grandmaster of flowers gives a passive +6 AC regardless of whether you're in any stance at its third rank.
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  6. #6
    Community Member gerardIII's Avatar
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    Unyielding Sentinel has +45% AC from shield (Tier 1) and extra PRR from shield (Tier 2).

    I'm lvl 4 US on my halfling FvS and I have close to 70 AC and 40 PRR without any AC- or PRR- specific gear.

  7. #7
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stanley_Nicholas View Post
    IIRC, I believe the tier 3 water stance ability in grandmaster of flowers gives a passive +6 AC regardless of whether you're in any stance at its third rank.
    Thanks I can shoot for that one as well. Tier 3 can be pricey on top of the improved combat expertise tier 2 dreadnaught twist I have as well.
    Characters: Groundnpound - Whatmanabar - Paleforce - ChonknorrisCaelasreth - Giggidy - DrGinger - Brassmonkey

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  8. #8
    Community Member FooWonk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giggiddy View Post
    Shadowdancer: Lithe = +2 AC w/ 3 ranks
    - wiki says 3 ranks does that mean possibility of +6 AC? Or is this only with light armor? Description seems vague.
    +2 AC works with any armor.
    +2 MDB only works with light armor.

  9. #9
    Community Member Meowin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Improved Combat Expertise in Legendary Dreadnought does +20 PRR.
    That´s the one he already twisted (see first post).

    @OP: I am looking for tank stuff as well but besides the two abilities yoiu listed yourself I haven´t found anything that grants additional AC.

    Other things I looked at so far are these:
    Arcane Sphere:

    Draconic Incarnation:
    Energy Sheath (T1): 3 ranks, active, cooldown: 1 min
    For [2/4/6] minutes gain 50% [fire/cold/acid/electric] absorption. Enemies that strike you take 1d3+10 [fire/cold/acid/electric] and have a small chance to take 4d20+100 damage of that type. Removes fire shield(hot/cold).
    Pro: 50% elemental energy absorb for 6 minutes at rank 3.
    Con: have to choose 1 element. (electricity?)

    Draconic Presence (T1): 3 ranks, passive
    +[2/4/6] intimidate, +[2/4/6] to saving throws of fear based effects, and +[1/2/3] DC to fear-based spells. At rank 3: you are immune to fear.
    Pro: another +6 to intimidate, which hopefully stacks with everything, fear immunity.
    Con: secondary effect useless, my intimi is pretty high anyway, and with the latest intimi change (intimi= hate boost) not as useful as it used to be.

    Dragonhide (T1): 3 ranks, passive
    +[1/2/3] natural armor and +[2/4/6] fortitude saves. At rank 3: you no longer automatically fail fort save on a 1.
    Pro: Stacking(?) +3 natural AC & no-fail fort saves
    Con: -

    Sigil of Spell Warding (T1): 3 ranks, active, cooldown: 30 sec
    Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants [1/2/3]DR and [5/10/15] PRR. Only one sigil active per caster
    Pro: Only available (?) PRR boost other than LD Combat expertise & Sentinel´s own stuff.
    Con: No idea howthe sigils work, is that a sel buff or a stationary sphere, like other sigils? If the latter, then only useful in boss fights, where you can keep the boss in one spot. High PRR characters don´t benefit a lot from it (1-2% less damage)

    Primal Sphere:

    Shiradi Champion:
    Healing Spring (T1): 3 ranks, active, cooldown 30 sec
    Nearby allies heal 1d100 positive energy every [60/40/20] seconds for five minutes. Usable once per day
    Pro: self healing
    Con: usage only once per day

    In the Weeds (T4): 3 ranks, passive
    +[1%/2%/3%] dodge, +[2/?/?] hide. After standing still for 3 seconds you gain +[1%/2%/3%] dodge, +[3/?/?] hide
    Pro: +3 % dodge
    Con: Expensive (T3), dodge cap on hvy armor chars

  10. #10
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Really wish Turbine was more careful with their descriptions and added competence, insightful, exceptional, etc. so we could tell at a glance what stacks and what doesn't.

  11. #11
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    With the diminishing returns on high AC, I don't think I'd bother twisting an AC ability, especially not one at rank 3 or 4. You'd be better off twisting in Dodge if you aren't already maxing out your armor's cap (3% dodge is going to be a bigger miss chance than +3 AC if you have a high AC already--3 AC tends to be about +1% miss chance).

    Otherwise, look for versatility items. For instance, I'm planning on picking up the healing amp from Exalted Angel as one twist, and probably Haste Boost (if I can afford both) from Dreadnought (faster attacking means more threat, among other things).

    Picking up things with "no fail on 1" for saves looks valuable as well, but I'm not sure I'd bother unless there was nothing else I wanted. Grandmaster has some damage boosts (I think the +0.5[W] doesn't require you to be centered).
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Grandmaster has some damage boosts (I think the +0.5[W] doesn't require you to be centered).
    In fact it does, at least per description.
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  13. #13
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    I'm capped at 10% dodge from my dex bonus and all my gear fits that as well. I thought about using my LR and dropping dodge and mobility for a different feat and making up the dodge in twists but haven't found anything better to take. Maybe cleave for momentum swing twist? But I heard it is borked with an axe...

    I do plan on getting the extra 10% hjeal amp from angel which will be just overkill (not a bad thing) with 3 pally PLs, human 30%, claw 30%, and ring 20%.... I like overkill sometimes

    I guess my best thing to do is look for more DPS twists. Just kinda feels silly... Groundnpound isn't exactly the poster child of a DPS toon. He is a damned good tank though. Holding aggro and mitigating damage is his forte so I wanted to keep with that line. My other toons are the badasses at putting out the hjurt.
    Characters: Groundnpound - Whatmanabar - Paleforce - ChonknorrisCaelasreth - Giggidy - DrGinger - Brassmonkey

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  14. #14
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    In fact it does, at least per description.
    Ah. I must have been thinking of the double-strike ability, which I don't believe does.
    Quote Originally Posted by giggiddy View Post
    I'm capped at 10% dodge from my dex bonus and all my gear fits that as well. I thought about using my LR and dropping dodge and mobility for a different feat and making up the dodge in twists but haven't found anything better to take. Maybe cleave for momentum swing twist? But I heard it is borked with an axe...

    I do plan on getting the extra 10% hjeal amp from angel which will be just overkill (not a bad thing) with 3 pally PLs, human 30%, claw 30%, and ring 20%.... I like overkill sometimes
    30% human? You could drop to 20% and spend the 6 AP elsewhere.
    I guess my best thing to do is look for more DPS twists. Just kinda feels silly... Groundnpound isn't exactly the poster child of a DPS toon. He is a damned good tank though. Holding aggro and mitigating damage is his forte so I wanted to keep with that line. My other toons are the badasses at putting out the hjurt.
    Honestly, with everyone else getting rather large boosts to their DPS working in some damage yourself is probably going to be a good idea.
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  15. #15
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Ah. I must have been thinking of the double-strike ability, which I don't believe does.
    30% human? You could drop to 20% and spend the 6 AP elsewhere.

    Honestly, with everyone else getting rather large boosts to their DPS working in some damage yourself is probably going to be a good idea.
    When I do things I tend to go all the way :P it also allows to me get back almost all my life on a silver flame pot.

    I haven't had an issue with aggro loss at all and have been running with 2 barbs with eSOS's and claw sets. I still have a nice intim to rely on as well but I do see your point.
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  16. #16
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giggiddy View Post
    When I do things I tend to go all the way :P it also allows to me get back almost all my life on a silver flame pot.

    I haven't had an issue with aggro loss at all and have been running with 2 barbs with eSOS's and claw sets. I still have a nice intim to rely on as well but I do see your point.
    I was thinking about actually getting Silver Flame pots before Unyielding Sentinel, now I have zero desire for them on my paladin. Between Maximized CSW hitting for around 150-220 without a Devotion item and regenerating Lay On Hands, I've got self-healing well covered. In fact, I'm thinking about ditching Maximize or Quicken and picking up something else. Going to see whether I feel like fully investing in LoH for 8 per rest.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  17. #17
    Community Member giggiddy's Avatar
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    I'm just a feat ***** which is why I picked fighter stalwart over pally defender.
    And a kensei over a barb
    Characters: Groundnpound - Whatmanabar - Paleforce - ChonknorrisCaelasreth - Giggidy - DrGinger - Brassmonkey

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  18. #18
    Community Member Meowin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stanley_Nicholas View Post
    IIRC, I believe the tier 3 water stance ability in grandmaster of flowers gives a passive +6 AC regardless of whether you're in any stance at its third rank.
    According to ddowiki, AC and cold res are the same for all 3 ranks. Only the dodge increases (1%/2%/3%). Confirmation?

  19. #19
    Community Member SensaiRyu's Avatar
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    OP: Yes Lithe gives +6 AC at rank 3 if you haven't figured it out already. I twist it in on my monk.

    I doubt the dragonhide +3 natural armor stacks.

    The +3 dodge from GoF's perfect balance rank 3 stacks.

    And GoF's Tier 3 Walking with Waves does add +6AC in all stances and +3% stacking dodge in water stance.
    Last edited by SensaiRyu; 07-16-2012 at 12:21 PM.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Magister's Unearthly Reactions gives 3% dodge and +6 to reflex saves.

    I plan to match that with Lithe for 6 AC and another +6 to reflex saves (do they stack).

    But I have an evasion tank in light armor shooting for full 25% dodge.

    My third twist will probably Extra Action Boosts. Seems a little weak, but 3 extra Haste Boosts and all the shrines in the new quests means I can really spam Haste Boost in nearly every fight. Someday I may replace that with the Improved Combat Expertise for the 20 extra PRR.
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