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Thread: Linux Help!

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Linux Help!

    I hope I'm not being too awkward, but I don't know what to do next.

    I am trying to play DDO on Linux (Lubuntu 12.04), and I cannot get into the game.
    I have installed it through Steam, and using the installer, no issues. When I try to launch the game, I get this error:

    I have also tried PyLotRO, and that works fine, except it hangs at "checking account details".

    Anyone have any ideas?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    First thing's first - make sure you're running in a 32 -bit Wine "Bottle".
    winearch=win32 wineprefix=wine32 wine winecfg
    And then you'll be able to set up your wine "bottle", even on a 64-bit system.

    After that... did you install directx, or any visual C runtimes?

    apt-get winetricks zenity
    So you can get somethings done.

    after that, use winetricks to install d3dx9, vcrun2003, vcrun2005, vcrun2008. If any of these givees you any lip about how "the operating system already has this installed" run wineprefix=wine32 winecfg and set the OS to Windows XP.

    After that, run wineprefix=wine32 winetricks and you'll get a nice menu to help you install those things. After that, run the installer with "wineprefix=wine32" in front of the usual "wine ddostandard.exe" in one command. Then, add "wineprefix=wine32" in front of the commands to run the game. Add "" to everything else that you run in wine outside of this 32-bit "bottle".

    Oh! And this game needs the dotnet framework 1.1 - if you ignore everything else in this post, remember this. You can install that from winetricks. I'm willing to wager that this is where your Win32 Exceptions are coming in.

    Edit: Also, look for the PPA with PyLotRO in it. You'll likely need this to log in to the turbine server.

    Consult the oracle at google for the location of this PPA, and how to install such a repository on your system.


    Always consult the WINE AppDB. Always.
    Last edited by PrometheanSet; 07-06-2012 at 10:35 PM.

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