I have a bit of a conundrum. I have two toons, a pure cleric and a pure favored soul, both completely devoted to offensive casting and healing. And I'm stumped as to what epic feats to take, and what heroic feats to go along with them. Here's their selections as of now:
Originally Posted by Bazongas, 23rd level Cleric
Neither of them have past lives that are very notable for casting, which is part of my problem. Really, I just want to keep them being good at soloing and healing raid groups through the toughest content for as long as possible before I get the time to do some wizard PLs.Originally Posted by Honkin, 20th level Favored Soul
With 1 Epic feat left on Bazongas and 2 coming up on Honkin, I'd really like to squeeze in Epic Spell Penetration since I think that will be the most bang for my buck. Is it a good idea to drop GSF: Evocation on my cleric so that I can pick up GSP and ESP? Similarly, should I drop GSF on my favored soul in order to pick up GSP, ESP, and Shield Mastery? What will be best for a divine caster who solos and raids in guild?
Looking forward to other people's thoughts on the matter, and seeing what others are doing in similar situations.