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  1. #1
    Community Member oCASTLEo's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Epic Destiniy path chosen but not chosen

    I have a Monk 20 that I brought over to the new content. I was told by my online friends to talk to the Fatespinner when I get there to choose my destiny and I was sure I had selected Grandmaster of Flowers. I had not seen any online friends for a couple days and they asked how it was going with my destiny. I told them I guess okay, but no points to spend yet. I guess I assumed I didn't unlock anything until I leveled to 21 and I was told that was incorrect and I should have some points to spend since I had earned a few 110k XP towards 21.

    I went back to Fatespinner and of course, nothing was selected and it still showed my destiny being open. My question is that I didn't see anything posted in forums about this. I didn't see anything in the DDO store to purchase something to get points. I hope I am not the only person to have this glitch that is new to the content. When I reach 25, will I be gimped from missing points and not be able to open up other destinies and earn other abilities? I don't know if there is anything I can do at this point, but I am looking for answers.

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010


    Did you press the button "Claim Destiny (edited)" in the top screen of the destiny? If you haven't done so, that means you haven't chosen a destiny yet.

    Also, did you buy the pre-order package to unlock Epic destinies at all?
    Last edited by Tid12; 07-03-2012 at 02:09 PM.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Barazon's Avatar
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    May 2008


    The button you need at the top of the Grand Master of Flowers page is "Claim Destiny". I believe this button is only usable at a Fatespinner. Once you have more than one destiny available, then the button changes to "Make Active" for any destinies that you have opened (but you should have no button for an active, claimed destiny).

  4. #4
    Community Member oCASTLEo's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    When I went back the second time when my friend told me something was amiss, I had to reselect it again. Then I logged out and logged back in and it seemed to take. I went back to doing quests, etc. and so far I have earned 2 points to spend on the tree, so it seems to be working now. I did purchase the package and have access to all the quests and areas out there.

    But what did I lose with action points, etc. in that 200k of XP as I was playing when I thought my epic destiny stuff was already working? 4 or 5 points? Will I be short points in the end since I now am starting late and I was already over halfway to 21st level but the time I caught the error?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    You can earn xp towards destinies even if you are xp capped level wise. Also, challenges reward xp without diminishing returns and can always be farmed for xp, so you aren't permanently cost anything. Leveling a destiny takes more xp per point each level of the destiny, so it isn't possible to translate the 200k xp into a set loss of points. To give you an idea, however, it takes somewhere around 1.8 million xp to max out a destiny.

  6. #6
    Community Member oCASTLEo's Avatar
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    That's excellent news! I didn't know you could keep earning XP towards destinies even after reaching 25, so it's good to know I can keep playing and unlock all the things I still want to do. It makes sense though, especially if a new months from now someone wanted to buy the expansion to try it out, but were already Level 22 for example.

  7. #7
    Community Member Meowin's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by oCASTLEo View Post
    That's excellent news! I didn't know you could keep earning XP towards destinies even after reaching 25, so it's good to know I can keep playing and unlock all the things I still want to do.
    Yep, every destiny has an xp bar/lvl progression independently of your epic levels, so you lost nothing but a bit of time.

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