I have a Monk 20 that I brought over to the new content. I was told by my online friends to talk to the Fatespinner when I get there to choose my destiny and I was sure I had selected Grandmaster of Flowers. I had not seen any online friends for a couple days and they asked how it was going with my destiny. I told them I guess okay, but no points to spend yet. I guess I assumed I didn't unlock anything until I leveled to 21 and I was told that was incorrect and I should have some points to spend since I had earned a few 110k XP towards 21.
I went back to Fatespinner and of course, nothing was selected and it still showed my destiny being open. My question is that I didn't see anything posted in forums about this. I didn't see anything in the DDO store to purchase something to get points. I hope I am not the only person to have this glitch that is new to the content. When I reach 25, will I be gimped from missing points and not be able to open up other destinies and earn other abilities? I don't know if there is anything I can do at this point, but I am looking for answers.
Thanks for your help!