Certa Bonum Certamen is a relatively new guild that is opening the floodgates of recruitment this week.

Our core membership of founding players has leveled the guild into the low 50's during the last month, and we have a guild recruitment team that has rolled out some fresh characters that will be leveling from 1 to 20 recruiting along the way beginning tomorrow night.

The guild is raid focused, and is committed to running one raid every night for members at 1pm est as a regular guild membership touchstone.

The guild was created to bring back the daily guild raid as part of the community aspect of being in a guild, and to address a lack in our timeslot for players.

Typical run times hover around the early usa time slot/ early evening european timeslot/ late australasian pacific timeslot running, with peak time hovering from 9.30am est to approx 2pm est for daily play during the week, with a much extended period of play by most members on weekends.

Inquiries to any character with 'Coit' in it's name during those times - or catch the Certa Guild Recruitment squad as it makes it way from one to twenty in the next few weeks.

I am committed to picking up fresh players that would like to learn the game in it's entirety, all quests, all raids, and everything that involves and will be running fresh recruitment squads from one to twenty until i am happy with the membership numbers and level of activity we achieve.

The daily raid will also be thrown open for players at top end that may be looking for change also, typically running edq, evon, tod, shroud, etc, etc, pretty much all raids in the game with one per day guaranteed to be lead by myself at this point.

I will endeavour to answer any inquiries that may be raised in this thread when time permits, but for now, it's time to roll out a fresh one and gear up for Korthos~! xD

See you all in game, Coit out~