Remember pen & paper D&D? The fun of playing with your character and friends. You took your time and carefully explored dungeons with rogues leading the way and wizards ready to hurl a fireball into a room of hobgoblIns. You played in character and acted appropriately. That is why the Black Brigade was formed as a home for role players and for those old time pen and paper players who want to enjoy their time in quests and want to play in character. It's not a race to get to level 20 by racing trough quests on elite or worrying about your difficulty streaks. It's about having fun.

If your interested, we're on Salona and are currently level 25 guild. If you're interested in joining us we accept all levels and classes. Send a message to greyth on Salona or contact any of the Black Brigade guild members you see online. We look forward to questing with you!