There are some curious developments in the way paralyzers affect mobs. Research is ongoing, but is currently being conducted in the Gianthold. One theory is that this is somehow related to the Madstone.

Mobs, when first paralyzed, now have the option to move absolutely anywhere on the game map. This option has been dubbed "The Scorpion".

After settling on a chosen spot in which to remain paralyzed, mobs are given Dodge as a free feat for the duration of their paralysis which they utilize in an option known as "The Rubberband". Whenever the mob is targeted for an attack, it has the option to move out of the way of the incoming attack until such time as the attack has been completed, after which it must return to its designated spot (snapping back like a rubberband, of course). There is speculation that a new monk-like finishing move is in the works which will allow the rubberbanding mob to deal sneak attack damage as an appropriately levelled rogue to anyone in the vicinity of its spot when it returns.

Paralysis also comes with a side-effect known as Freedom of Ranged Attack. This allows the mob to utilize any form of physical or magical ranged attack without penalty. Melee mobs have petitioned for Freedom of Melee Attack, which is being considered for the next release. Rumors of the last hot fix granting mobs the use of Endless Fusillade remain unconfirmed at this time, and a search party is being organized to look for the missing researchers (report to Crag in the Gianthold if interested in helping out).

Finally, paralyzed healing mobs are granted the special enhancement Super Empowered Healing which allows them to heal themselves and any nearby mobs 100% whenever the target's health falls below 33% of maximum hit points. There is a 2 second cooldown on the use of this enhancement to avoid abuse by the mobs, although there is no known spell point cost at this time.