I used the stone of experience on three different guildmates and all of them leveled up to 16 without a hitch. However, the third stone of change did not leave my inventory and is still there waiting to be used again. I did not receive my certificate for my Snow Panther either. I have the base edition of Menace of the Underdark and only ever will receive a total of 3 stones.

Attempted to submit a ticket and got put into an infinite loop where it would not send. I then called Turbine and was told to submit a ticket. Tried submitting a ticket again and this time it went through. Ticket was immediately closed with a response telling me to submit a bug report.

Submitted a bug report, but bug reports are not responded to and I still have this stone of XP sitting in my inventory and no snow panther.

Started a new ticket and talked to a GM. I told him that I did not want to use the stone a fourth time and be accused of exploiting. GM responded with "we don't discuss exploits. If you feel like using it again would be an exploit, you shouldn't doing it. Is there anything else I can help you with?" I told him that evidently there wasn't anything he could help me with, because he still didn't help me with the first problem and that is that I STILL have a stone of XP in my inventory and no Snow Panther. He told me to have a good day and logged.

Called Turbine again. Was told that they couldn't help me but would pass the issue up to a supervisor, who likely would not be able to help me but that it sounded like in game support did all they could to assist me....

And I still don't have a Snow Panther and I still have a Stone of Experience in my inventory that shouldn't be there and I still don't have an answer as to whether I should attempt to use this again or risk losing my 3 year old main character due to exploiting.....

For God's sake, can somebody please just answer the question or resolve the issue without giving me a run around?