(I'm on a roll so far, may as well go all the way)
for people interested in how forms look like, here's screenshots:
Winter Wolf
Dire Bear
Water elemental
Fire elemental
(I'm on a roll so far, may as well go all the way)
for people interested in how forms look like, here's screenshots:
Winter Wolf
Dire Bear
Water elemental
Fire elemental
Last edited by threefeetunder; 07-01-2012 at 05:13 AM.
Meh.Always an option.
Doh' That is what I get for writing up that part at 5am. >.<Drow do not get any bonus to their Wisdom score. Period. No race currently in DDO does. Drow get bonuses to INT, CHA, and DEX. They will actually be 1 DC behind a Human or Half-Elf, depending on gear, as those two races get +1 WIS from enhancements.
First, being an old returning(?) player I love the work Turbine is still putting into DDO, however I find the wolf-form combat animations to be extremely unsatisfying. Especially when moving you get basically no feedback at all that you are attacking, and sometimes it feels like I have to wait two seconds after I have stopped before it starts attacking the intended enemy at all(!?). This is not minor cosmetic issue to be shrugged off, it severely impacts how combat feels. Combat is supposed to be one of DDOs strengths, and currently it just doesn't feel right. Part of it might be lag, but there is a very clear difference between how combat in-form and out-of-form flows. Has anybody else encountered this?
I suggest:
-Add some kind of sound feedback when you are attacking when moving. Currently there is nothing at all, and you can't see any visual cues from the player POV.
-I like the snarl sounds on the attacks in wolf form, but they seem out of sync with the actual attacks. Can we also get some kind of standard "slash" sound when it actually does damage? I think most would rather have slash sounds than the snarl if you can't do both.
-The case where the animations get stuck 2 seconds before attacking needs to be fixed.
Speculation: As I understand it the animations tie into the actual attacks in DDO, so I guess there might be some animation in the movement or something that doesn't end when you hit attack?
EDIT: I tested this out some more, and the case where it seems like you get stuck 2 seconds is actually because the server still registers you as moving and gives you the running-attack animation, which is probably not new, but as mentioned has no sound effect and little visual cue (key issue: sound effect). To excarbate the issue the moving attack is like half as fast as the regular attack chain, which feels weird. Some unscientific timing tests show that it most likely about 30-40% slower than the regular human moving attack animation. I realize THF feats don't proc while moving either, but that is a much smaller penalty, and as far as I remember TWF did proc so I don't see why wolves get disproportionally penalized (probably ~60% dps reduction) by moving. Aren't wolves supposed to play as rogueish flankers? Playing rogue style is very painful when you have to be perfectly stationary to not kill your dps for upwards 2 seconds. DDO is a fast moving game, as it should be.
-Increase animation speed when moving to make it at least on par with human, and preferrably the stationay wolf attack speed (you still get the to-hit penalty like rogues).
-Put sound effects on all strikes, both when moving and stationary. Lose the growl on stationary if you have to (though it would be nice with both). Actually, you could play the growl on one attack in the chain and manually mix in a slash if the engine doesn't permit two sound effects.
Last edited by Metathron; 07-01-2012 at 08:56 AM.
I tested this last night and it did not work(assuming you mean Past Life: Disciple of the Fist). Actually, it hurt my damage.
It drops Winter Wolf to 1d6 damage, and neither Wolf nor Winter Wolf get any increase. This is damage testing, ignoring the bugged character sheet. I removed the feat and Winter Wolf gained damage back.
Have you tested this recently? Would be nice to have some confirmation on what I see.
Last edited by Goobermans; 07-01-2012 at 01:39 PM.
If u have arcane archery feat, equip bow, and go in animal form the attak roll rest based on wisdom, is a bug or is wanted to work?
EDIT: Zen Archery i mean
Last edited by Zio_Kose; 07-02-2012 at 06:40 AM.
Last edited by threefeetunder; 07-01-2012 at 04:24 PM.
Hmmm... Last I knew, it was. I'll have to go check it out myself. If it isn't, I'm pretty sure it might be a bug. It is suppose to, last I checked.
In Animal form, you aren't using a bow... You are using your natural fighting. You only get the stuff from the bow. Not even Flame Sword spell works with Wisdom in Animal form.
In animal form, which Improved Critical feat doubles your critical range?
Improved Critical doesn't check what kind of damage it does, it only checks to see if it is an "approved weapon". Improved Critical: Piercing gives you double the critical range with Sunblade even though it does Slashing damage because it is considered to be a shortsword.
Nice writeup!
Just to add my few cents on druids... I played/prefered a caster style druid but spell points are a bit tight. So I had a long good look at taking an artificer level vs druid capstone. I think it pays off in the leveling process (for a caster style druid at least, animalform druids are probably better off staying pure) as you can fall back on the repeater when sp gets tight.
From lvl 7 I started using a (selfcrafted with masterful) Improved Cursespewing heavy repeater (that -4 to saves is nice) and a Wounding of Puncturing repeater (-con/-con proc). On elite diff solo I use the Imp Curse mainly followed up with a lightning strike. Worked wonderfully and made soloing very very much easier. I know the elemental enhancement effects are not supposed to stack and will be fixed at some point but right now its just an added cherry on top. And if at later levels the arti splash is a waste, there is always the option to do a Reincarnation :-)
Also, I found the druid pet to be somewhat iffy. The hp/sp penalty if it dies hurts when soloing elite. Often I leave it behind in case I should die myself to do a stone recovery to shrine.
Member and owner of "The Mad Midgets" of Khyber.
Characters; Skrangle, Eileenia, Thyrantraxus, Clonkstar, Eilert, Nidvisa, Sellyse, Lobotobias, Crimsoneye, Whimpsy, Meeep, Maszter, Andromansis etc
UMD will not fix this issue.UMD fixes any issues with using weapons with alignment restrictions, and Druids get 4 skill points per level.
Unyielding Sentinels, IF THEY ARE GOOD ALIGNED, can take ED abilities that give Pure Good and Holy to their attacks. That's on top of whatever your base weapon is giving you.
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.