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  1. #1
    Community Member Crusad's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Gear for levels 20+

    Currently leveling my evoker fvs to level 25. He was TRing a lot and i kind of forgot to prepare some gear for him, so now i have a bunch of past lives but very lame gear.

    I would like to ask you to post your end game (meaning for levels above 20) gear setups. I know we dont know all the future gear in expansion yet, but i need something to be able to even join that raid and other old epic elites.

    trinket - planar focus with +3 insight. wisdom (250sp, Spell pen IX set - dont know what is the other item in the set)
    goggles - conc op goggles (150sp, conc op)
    armor - spidersilk robe (+3 insight. charisma, potency, wizardry IX, resistance +6, toughness, conc 15)
    cloak - epic envenomed cloak (+7 CON, GFL)
    gloves - shroud 45HP Mineral (heavy fort)
    bracers - bracers of the sun soul (+7 WIS, insight. CON +2, sup parrying)
    boots epic boots of corrosion (+1 exc WIS,free green slot)
    ring1 - tod ring (+1 exc CON with +2 ins CHA)
    ring2 - signet of shining sun (+7 CHA, +2 exc WIS, sup healing lore)

    These items cover - CON +10, WIS +13, CHA +13, 45 shroud HP, GFL, toughness, heavy fort, 150 shroud SP, resistance +6, concentration +15, superior healing lore, potency, wizardry IX)

    Couple slot left empty so far, what to put there?
    What i would like to slot - Spell penetration IX (or greater), some sort of Lores, devotion, impulse or radiance items, greater evocation and necromancy focus.
    I know most of spell power and focus items come on weapons or can be crafted and are easily swapable. Perfect item would be Holy symbol of Lolth (Radiance +102, Impulse +102), but +3 insightful wisdom seems more important.

    Any advice appreciated or post just your planned setup.
    Last edited by Crusad; 06-29-2012 at 01:46 PM.
    Khyber - Cobryn, Calvyr, Panrry, Metroplex, Rakosniczek

  2. #2
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Is it really worth a slot to you for +1 exceptional con on your ToD ring? Same thing with the Signet of the Shining Sun, that's at least got +7 cha/sup healing lore which is alright, but the +2 Insight Wisdom is wasted.

    Spell Penetration 9 is still a really limited stat with what we know. The Erudition set bonus and Staff of the Necromancer are the only new items with it. I guess you could ditch your ToD ring and grab an Epic Shaman's Band if you really want to make sure you've got Spell Pen 9 all the time. Or just throw on the Staff of the Necromancer when you need it.
    Caisha Stormweaver - Some class split dependent upon TR needs - Argonnessen
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  3. #3
    Community Member Crusad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I was trying to push charisma higher, because 2 of Exalted Angel abilities have charisma based DC. If I end up not using them at all, i wont probably bother with charisma that much.

    Thanks for the Shamans band tip, forgot about it. Might even used it with necklace for evocation.
    Khyber - Cobryn, Calvyr, Panrry, Metroplex, Rakosniczek

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