Hi, lookin for a code for MOTU base, this is the stuff I got for trade.
Large shroud mats
Mystical power cell
Following epic scrolls:
Necklace of venom, full plate of ringleader, shimmering pendant, brimstone verge, phiarlan spy dagger, phiarlan mirror cloak, ring of the mire, sacred helm, cacophonic verge, sirens bracers, sirens charm, noxious fang, chimeras fang, boots of corrosion, elyd edge, roderics wand, elemental essence, brawns spirits, kronzeks cruelty, garos malice, utility vest, big top, mask of tragedy, mask of comedy, illusionists robe, elders focus, goggles of time-sensing, templars bulwark, staff of nat gann, scorched bracers, greatclub of the scrag, chimeras crown, helm of frost
and more of course
Either PM me here, or find me in-game on Xaositect