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  1. #1
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Question New end game gear layout?

    My monk is about to follow my FVS's path into the underdark, and I need to know what end game gear I should use.

    forgot to mention, light air shintao 3 monk, currently 169% heals (69% heal amp (1.3x1.3 = 1.69)), need DT armor and I have 1.3x1.3x1.1x1.2=2.2 (220%).

    I currently got these for my monk:

    But which others should I get?
    I've seen the items from the villager traders, but how do I get that many commendations?
    Last edited by YoureDown; 06-28-2012 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Those goggles are nice. If I were you I would check out

    Worthy mentions:

    Vestments of the Sun Soul - Outfit: Armor Bonus +9, Resistance +6, Enhanced Ki +1, Reinforced Fists, Way of the Sun Soul Set Bonus [ML:20] [10 Villager Commendations]

    Bracers of the Sun Soul - Bracers: Wisdom +7, Exceptional Constiution +2, Superior Parrying, Way of the Sun Soul Set Bonus [ML:20] [5 Villager Commendations]

    Belt of the Sun Soul - Belt: Constitution +7, Exceptional Wisdom +2, Concentration +15, Way of the Sun Soul Set Bonus [ML:20] [5 Villager Commendations]

    Grave Wrappings - Handwraps: +6, Entropic, Soul Eating, Improved Destruction, Stunning +10, Taint of Evil [ML:20,BtCoE] (Chest Loot: End Chest)

    Spider-spun Caparison - Outfit: Random Ability Score, Armor Bonus +9, Resistance +6, Enhanced Ki +1, Reinforced Fists, Concentration +15, Toughness, Upgradeable? [ML:22] (Chest Loot: The Deal and the Demon)

    I just picked up the vestments of the sun soul to replace my tunic (it was a bit cold). I do not know if I will slot in the the other two parts to the set. With the amount good monk gear out at this point, I am sure there are many ways to outfit any given monk. You should also check out the new epic feat called "vorpal strikes" as it allows slashing bypass and gives manslayer for monk. It requires 23 WIS (base + tomes) though. ( I am one short! - guess I need to LR ) There is a flowers destiny ability that gives ghost touch and incorporeal touch as well. There is also a healer necklace that has WIS 7 as well. The Sun Soul set bonus effects are fairly mild and do not justify the work some may have to put into gear swapping to fit. I have yet to get a chance to check out if the new stat bumps are exceptional or insightful, and if they are the same bonus or not. The Spider-Spun outfit's random ability is a +8 stat or +3 exceptional stat, so that is very juicy, but random. I Myself currently have equipped:

    Helm: Min2
    Trinket: +4 attack crafted
    Goggles: Epic Raven's Sight
    Neck: Shintao Cord
    Armor: Vestments of the Sun Soul
    Bracers: Epic Jidz with resistance+dex6 slotted
    Gloves: Epic Brawlers with GFL slotted
    Cloak: Epic Mabar
    Belt: Epic Spare hand with Toughness slotted
    Ring1: Shintao TOD ring with Holy Burst
    Ring2: Swap spot - Epic manslayers, a few other tod rings with different bursts
    Boots: swap spot - Epic Rock boots, firestorm greaves, madstone, etc.

    Raid specific gear: At least 1 grease clicky per slot (that's right, I have one tab devoted to grease clickies)

    My kit is by no means "optimal" but I like it and I have some flexibility as I have crafted a few other Min2 items that are banked (goggles, cloak). And my T2 shroud clickies are awesome again.

    IMHO though, it has never been easier to oufit an epic monk. Turbine has really given the class some focus (intended ) over the last year or so, and there are very few "best in slot items" anymore for them as the number of good possible gear combinations is so large.
    Last edited by nebogloee; 06-28-2012 at 01:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by YoureDown View Post
    I've seen the items from the villager traders, but how do I get that many commendations?
    Sorry I missed this Q as it was under the pretty picture. Just run explorers and do the rares, as some of the rares do not require any fighting. One run through the forest and underdark quest chains bagged me 11 villager comendations (epic hard), so get questing as well. Sometimes comendations will drop in quest chests, so you can trade them around before looting, just let your party know what you are looking for.

  4. #4
    Community Member Daitengu's Avatar
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    Does any of the new stuff have slots like the old epic gear?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daitengu View Post
    Does any of the new stuff have slots like the old epic gear?
    No unfortunately - slots are an Ebberon thing. But there are plenty of other slots to throw Stormreach gear into to fill out those toughness/resistence/deathblock/etc slots. Not to mention there are number of interesting destiny abilities to twist to make up for the lack of certain gear traits like deathblock, striding, jump, etc. Resistance +6 is found on a number of new items and with the new epic hit points, that toughness slot is less essential. The new gear forces a lot of hard choices, and IMO, that means Turbine got something right with the loot.

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