There are 2 necklaces I like because as a Cleric with 2 lvls of fighter, but wisdom based I like the Sora kell set. Now more than before sora kell is important for melee divines if you don't have time to optimize your gear swaps.
To get the extra outta potency you need to find potency on items other than weapons. Like the necklaces from TOD. There are also nice 'to hit' neclaces that stack with sora kell.
I mean you guys are killing yourselves with those epic gloves for +4 to hit, but with sora kell and swapping necklaces I get the same effect. Also the inspired quarter gloves for an extra +6 to STR click helps too.
Please list potency non weapon item recommendations or other combos of gear... thx.
Mine is Sora Kell and TOD necklaces. When you can move CON- and GFL to a belt
Now on my CLR18/FTR2 I might feat swap for Power Critical....? You? I prob think other feats are more important on a Divine that is low on feats.