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  1. #1
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    Default Divine - how do you equip for divine now?

    There are 2 necklaces I like because as a Cleric with 2 lvls of fighter, but wisdom based I like the Sora kell set. Now more than before sora kell is important for melee divines if you don't have time to optimize your gear swaps.

    To get the extra outta potency you need to find potency on items other than weapons. Like the necklaces from TOD. There are also nice 'to hit' neclaces that stack with sora kell.

    I mean you guys are killing yourselves with those epic gloves for +4 to hit, but with sora kell and swapping necklaces I get the same effect. Also the inspired quarter gloves for an extra +6 to STR click helps too.

    Please list potency non weapon item recommendations or other combos of gear... thx.

    Mine is Sora Kell and TOD necklaces. When you can move CON- and GFL to a belt


    Now on my CLR18/FTR2 I might feat swap for Power Critical....? You? I prob think other feats are more important on a Divine that is low on feats.
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 06-28-2012 at 09:54 AM. Reason: title edit

  2. #2
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    I am thinking about having all variable boosting metas on my FvS. Right now Empower Spell is missing only (23rd level).

    I am keeping the ToD necklace nevertheless since it remains the ebst universal booster for BB and healing atm. If i find another better one, I'll swap to it.

    So far, switching between dedicted spellpower items is my way to go. I moved GFl to Stalker Ring. I am wearing the new fancy Mnk set belt from evening star at the moment.

    Future ideas to compensate for cost efficient spells:
    - Fitting in Cannith crafted efficient metamagic somewhere, probably trinket, which makes me using the new gloves for heal amp. and dumping the idea of eclaw+egem

    - 3 new disposable slots helmet, cloak and bracers (boots if I can grab an Abbott Quiver)
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  3. #3
    Community Member MagicalDad's Avatar
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    So, my previous (relevant) gear on my caster FvS was

    Gauntlets of Eternity (now +72 Healing SP + Major Healing Lore)
    Tier 3 Event Dagger (now 15 Implement + 52 Universal + Arcane Lore)
    Skiver (Greater Arcane Lore + Archmagi)

    Now I am looking for a Thaumaturgy one-hander w/ impulse/radiance and a relevant 2nd ability to go instead of my event dagger, as I don't cast any dmg spells except BB/Cometfall (both affected by impulse) and DP/Searing Light.

    As for stats, I currently have Exc Wis +1 and GSP 8 on my DT vestments, random ToD ring w/ Exc Cha +1 and Exc Wis +2. As I acquire more commendations (WHY are these BtC, btw, please fix!), I expect to rotate some epic gear.

    I've seen rumors of the following item:

    Holy Symbol of Lolth - Trinket: Spellcasting Implement +15, Nullification +102, Radiance +102, Impulse +102, Exceptional Charisma +1, Exceptional Wisdom +1, Embrace of the Spider Queen [ML:21,BtCoE]

    Which would be AMAZING, but there is no screenshot or a hint of where it drops.
    Khyber, Dragon Order of Arcanix (Elsir - Heroic Completionist running Racial TRs, Veryunique, Skullcrshr, TheMadness - fun builds for duo play w/ my wife)

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    My plan on my melee FVS is to get the Holy Symbol of Lolth for all its tasty goodness and then to slot Devotion on a ToD ring (ToD rings can slot Devotion 72). There aren't many better devotion items out there on a non-weapon slot, and with all the +2 Insight stats on the new gear, slotting those on a ToD ring is pretty much redundant.
    Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
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  5. #5
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    ok now when we talk about spell power you have to say what kind...


    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 06-28-2012 at 01:26 PM.

  6. #6
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    anything items besides eardweller pych +25 that stacks with univeral spell power for blade barrier?

    Kinetic, force etc.?

    and i still don't get the + on the item affecting it.

    I guess it stacks at 5 times the (+)
    +3=15 implement spell power added?
    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 06-28-2012 at 01:27 PM.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    anything items besides eardweller pych +25 that stacks with univeral spell power for blade barrier?

    Kinetic, force etc.?

    and i still don't get the + on the item affecting it.
    The Impact clickies will now affect Blade Barrier.
    Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
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  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Now I am looking for a Thaumaturgy one-hander
    That's going to be a long search, since they don't exist. Thaumaturgy is exclusive to quarterstaves.

    There was a screenshot of the Holy Symbol of Lolth during beta, but I've never gotten any hints where it drops. I also want one, I've completely given up on ever getting a Litany.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  9. #9
    Community Member davidolson22's Avatar
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    I believe step one to grearing a divine is waiting a week for the items to actually work correctly on a divine. AFter that, not sure.

  10. #10
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    That's going to be a long search, since they don't exist. Thaumaturgy is exclusive to quarterstaves.

    There was a screenshot of the Holy Symbol of Lolth during beta, but I've never gotten any hints where it drops. I also want one, I've completely given up on ever getting a Litany.
    I'm re-gearing everyone. This is absolutely on my list to find.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  11. #11
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    Personally, i have not changed a thing on my divines.

    Same gear as before. I get such bad lag when i try to swap gear out (durning melee) that I wont even bother to do so.

    boo-tai jung-tzahng-duh
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  12. #12
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    This is hilarious. What would The Sovereign Host say if they saw us talking about wanting to do all our casting with the holy symbol of Lolth? Then again, none of the Eberron dieties has ever seemed to mind the amount of Xoriat gear we use.

    For all-out melee + spell DPS, Epic Luminous Truth is looking pretty competitive. Personally, I'm still using my Bracelet of Madness + a normal weapon, then a Thaumaturgy staff when circumstances warrant it. It's working okay, but I'll be watching for a better option.

  13. #13
    Community Member butcheredspirit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbadoc View Post
    This is hilarious. What would The Sovereign Host say if they saw us talking about wanting to do all our casting with the holy symbol of Lolth? Then again, none of the Eberron dieties has ever seemed to mind the amount of Xoriat gear we use.
    I had an awkward situation like this once.
    My Silver Flame cleric wasn't gona solo momma dragon in mired in kobolds -word of recall and gone.

    All of a sudden my toon is the Sovereign Host temple!?
    Of course Inquisitor Gnomon just happened to be walking by as I left the temple...
    I had no way to explain that one, or why my recall spot was in a house of heretics
    He looked so wiled I thought for sure he was preparing slay living!!

    What where we talking about again?
    Anyway we need more Word of Recall spots!

  14. #14
    Community Member Natean's Avatar
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    I picked up a ML 22 2H Thaumaturgy Staff after a long time with +15 Implement, 108 Radiance, 108 Devotion, 68 Universal. (As far as I can tell, Thaumaturgy only appears on 2 handed staves)

    Thing is, my previous gear has +15 Implement, 90 Devotion, 50 Universal + other non spell bonuses. And the staff only really gives me 12 more HP on heals, thats like a 2% heal increase.

    Its not a completely significant increase. Its nice, But I like the stuff my previous 1 Handed and Shield gives (Mainly defensively)
    Relxe - Evoker FvS - Relxa - MultiTR
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  15. #15
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorbadoc View Post
    This is hilarious. What would The Sovereign Host say if they saw us talking about wanting to do all our casting with the holy symbol of Lolth?
    I wonder what they thought when my Paladin, a firm believer in the Sovereign Host, viciously executed an entire temple of worshipers of the Sovereign Host for a paltry reward from a Silver Flame Inquisitor. It must not have been bad...they never stripped her of her Paladin abilities.

  16. #16
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Anybody thought of the Scepter of Healing ?

    I didn't check its new properties, but it was a Greater Devotion V/Greater Healing Lore item before the change.
    ( and a +4 Flametouched Iron heavy mace to boot )
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  17. #17
    Hero Aashrym's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    Anybody thought of the Scepter of Healing ?

    I didn't check its new properties, but it was a Greater Devotion V/Greater Healing Lore item before the change.
    ( and a +4 Flametouched Iron heavy mace to boot )
    +12 implement, +54 devotion, still has greater healing lore

  18. #18
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    To be honest I haven't changed my gear at all--most of the time I have no potency/devotion item, and I've been just fine healing in the high lvl Elite EPics. Sometimes I equip the guantlets--where as I never wore them b4.

    I have been playing my heal amp intimtank FVS, she has an Alchemical Shield with Brilliance 90--and that is the most important thing to me have equipped.
    Last edited by moops; 06-29-2012 at 04:55 AM.
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  19. #19
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    Last time I remember Gandaff he had his staff in his left hand and his sword in his right hand. You should be able to to do it... u just can't attack with the staff. Just the main hand. Now that would be something with these new staff abilities.

    I have got staffs with potency, radiance and kinetic lore... and potency, radiance and healing lore. I have impulse on my head.

    The BB and DPs look pretty good. Not sure the kenetic lore is working on BB though. Did not see any criticals on BB.

  20. #20
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    Cove hat for now for +60% universal spell power. Planning on making a alchemical off hand scimitar with tier 1 mystical (sup impulse 9...not exactly sure what that would translate to...but should be good for BB and +15 implementation for others.

    Looking at the Lolth trinket for laters if I ever manage to land it.

    Mid levels Sora Kell seems solid but think the spellpower part is a little bugged so it would not affect healing?

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