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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default New player - Thelanis - RP

    Hello, I am new to the game and the first few days have been amazing, I decided to give the game a try after I saw the UD Expansion.

    I am a drow rogue and I am searching for an RP guild in Thelanis since I heard it was the "unofficial" RP server.

    I noticed that there wasn't any type of "Guild Search" feature in the game so I am here to ask you guys if there is any good RP guild out there.

    Please PM me or add me ingame so we can talk about it. (Thizan is the name of my character)

    Thank you for your time and attention.

  2. #2
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Greetings, and welcome to the game!

    On Thelanis, I would dare say the big guild is Fellowship of the Golden Night, though I haven't been active on the server for some time. With a simple google search, you will find them no problem. There is also the static-group guild Wavecrest Wayfinders, who have RP-evenings twice a week(? Correct me if I am wrong.)

    Also, you could check out Sarlona(the other official RP-server). That's the server I am currently on, and it has the Roleplayers of Sarlona guild with neat daily player base and lots of active RP.

    However, if you are dead-set on Thelanis, I would highly suggest FotGN.

    I hope that helped you a little on the way, happy roleplaying!

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Thank you very much for your help lilleengen2.

  4. #4
    Community Member guitarjohn707's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Recruitment

    Dear Prospect,
    We are recruiting roleplayers. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE BERSERKERS or "ZERGS!" We are a medieval/military/Templar based roleplaying guild that has melded my ADnD 2nd addition "tabletop" campaign of over 20 years w/DDO's campaign.
    I am a DM from ADnD 2nd addition and have been for over 20 years. Our guild is level 31 and has an airship w/all amenities, we are active, however we are recruiting more and more to increase the amount of active members so that at any time (24/7) anyone from our guild should be able to log on and find enough guild members to quest with (so as not to have to find strangers for that.)
    If you are interested (and like minded enough) to roleplay 13th century Templar style, then contact me "Ghonja" on Thelanis server through the floating mailboxes and/or here/or at:
    Ghonja Flowingwater of Earth
    ~King of Eberron~
    ~Grand Master of The Knights of The Covenant~

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