If it does it for every spell and hotbar item... I can just imagine there being quite a bit of lag every time I swap my scepter/staff.
I do want to point out that this spellpower system is still a lot simpler than the old system, which had weird multipliers and such. THAT needed better game-info.
Still, this information would really help explain what stacks with what.
The Silver Legion - Guild Medieval
Arisan - Arisanna - Arisanto - Arisgard - Betatest
That's certainly simple enough - but there's a thread somewhere showing that equipment and enhancements are giving 0.5:1 and only feats are giving 1:1 - the question is (along with the effects of THF, TWF and Shield lines vs Natural fighting for shifted forms), what is the situation supposed to be, vs what it is?
I know they're going to be working on all this stuff - it's just frustrating that it wasn't ready in time for the launch.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...