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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Pale Master Shield Master Build

    Please comment on my PM Shield Master build, and give suggestions on equipment. I am currently level 16 and taking advantage of the free lesser reincarnation. I know everyone has a PM, but I wanted to make this one a little different by using shield. Let me know what you think, or what I should change.

    Wizard 20
    Female Half-Elf (Lawful Good)

    HP: 322
    SP: 1897
    AC: 13

    FORT: 13
    REFL: 19
    WILL: 14

    BAB: +10/+10/+15/+20

    STR: 8 (-1)
    DEX: 16 (+3)
    CON: 24 (+7)
    INT: 36 (+13)
    WIS: 14 (+2)
    CHA: 23 (+6)

    Balance: 14
    Bluff: 6
    Concentration: 30
    Diplomacy: 6
    Disable Device: n/a
    Haggle: 17
    Heal: 13
    Hide: 3
    Intimidate: 6
    Jump: 10

    Listen: 3
    Move Silently: 3
    Open Lock: n/a
    Perform: n/a
    Repair: 13
    Search: 14
    Spot: 13
    Swim: -1
    Tumble: 4
    UMD: 17.5
    Include Automatic Feats End-of-Level Stats
    Character Generated Using: DDO Character Generator
    Direct Link to Build:
    Wizard 20
    Female Half-Elf - Lawful Good
    LEVEL 1:
    Race Selected: Female Half-Elf
    Alignment Selected: Lawful Good
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 1)
    Abilities Raised: CON: 16, INT: 18, CHA: 14
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +2 (2), Concentration +4 (4),
    Haggle +2 (2), Heal +1 (1), Jump +2 (2), Tumble +1 (1), UMD +2 (2)
    Feats Selected: Toughness, Half-Elf Dilettante (Favored Soul),
    Mental Toughness
    Enhancements Selected: Human Versatility I,
    Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, Flame Manipulation I
    Stats at End of Level 1:
    HP:30 SP:200 AC:9 FORT:3 REFL:-1 WILL:1 BAB:+0/+0
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:18(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:1, Bluff:2, Concentration:7, Diplomacy:2, Disable Device: n/a,
    Haggle:4, Heal:0, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2, Jump:1, Listen:0,
    Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:4,
    Search:5, Spot:0, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:4
    LEVEL 2:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 2)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (2.5), Concentration +1 (5),
    Haggle +0.5 (2.5), Heal +0.5 (1.5), Jump +0.5 (2.5), UMD +0.5 (2.5)
    Stats at End of Level 2:
    HP:38 SP:234 AC:9 FORT:3 REFL:-1 WILL:2 BAB:+1/+1/+6
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:18(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:1.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:8, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:4.5, Heal:0.5, Hide:-1,
    Intimidate:2, Jump:1.5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1,
    Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:4, Search:5, Spot:0,
    Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:4.5
    LEVEL 3:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 3)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3), Concentration +1 (6),
    Haggle +0.5 (3), Heal +0.5 (2), Jump +0.5 (3), UMD +0.5 (3)
    Feats Selected: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
    Stats at End of Level 3:
    HP:46 SP:268 AC:9 FORT:4 REFL:0 WILL:2 BAB:+1/+1/+6
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:18(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:2, Bluff:2, Concentration:9, Diplomacy:2, Disable Device: n/a,
    Haggle:5, Heal:1, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2, Jump:2, Listen:0,
    Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:4,
    Search:5, Spot:0, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:5
    LEVEL 4:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 4)
    Abilities Raised: INT: 19
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (3.5), Concentration +1 (7),
    Haggle +0.5 (3.5), Jump +0.5 (3.5), Spot +0.5 (0.5), UMD +0.5 (3.5)
    Stats at End of Level 4:
    HP:54 SP:302 AC:9 FORT:4 REFL:0 WILL:3 BAB:+2/+2/+7
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:19(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:2.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:10, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:5.5, Heal:1, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:2.5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:4, Search:5, Spot:0.5, Swim:-1,
    Tumble:0, UMD:5.5
    LEVEL 5:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 5)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4), Concentration +1 (8),
    Haggle +0.5 (4), Jump +0.5 (4), Spot +0.5 (1), UMD +0.5 (4)
    Feats Selected: Maximize Spell
    Stats at End of Level 5:
    HP:62 SP:336 AC:9 FORT:4 REFL:0 WILL:3 BAB:+2/+2/+7
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:19(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:3, Bluff:2, Concentration:11, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6, Heal:1, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:3, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:4, Search:5, Spot:1, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:6
    LEVEL 6:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 6)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4.5), Concentration +1 (9),
    Haggle +0.5 (4.5), Jump +0.5 (4.5), Spot +0.5 (1.5), UMD +0.5 (4.5)
    Feats Selected: Insightful Reflexes
    Stats at End of Level 6:
    HP:70 SP:375 AC:9 FORT:5 REFL:6 WILL:4 BAB:+3/+3/+8/+13
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:16(+3) INT:19(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:3.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:12, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:6.5, Heal:1, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:3.5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:4, Search:5, Spot:1.5, Swim:-1,
    Tumble:0, UMD:6.5
    LEVEL 7:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 7)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5), Concentration +1 (10),
    Haggle +0.5 (5), Heal +0.5 (2.5), Jump +0.5 (5), UMD +0.5 (5)
    Tomes Applied: CON: +2
    Stats at End of Level 7:
    HP:85 SP:419 AC:9 FORT:6 REFL:6 WILL:4 BAB:+3/+3/+8/+13
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:19(+4) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:4, Bluff:2, Concentration:14, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:7, Heal:1.5, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:4, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:4, Search:5, Spot:1.5, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:7
    LEVEL 8:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 8)
    Abilities Raised: INT: 20
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5.5), Concentration +1 (11),
    Heal +0.5 (3), Spot +1.5 (3), UMD +0.5 (5.5)
    Stats at End of Level 8:
    HP:94 SP:485 AC:9 FORT:6 REFL:7 WILL:5 BAB:+4/+4/+9/+14
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:20(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:4.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:15, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:7, Heal:2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:4, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:3, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:7.5
    LEVEL 9:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 9)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6), Concentration +1 (12),
    Haggle +1 (6), Jump +1 (6), UMD +0.5 (6)
    Feats Selected: Shield Proficiency (General)
    Stats at End of Level 9:
    HP:103 SP:540 AC:9 FORT:7 REFL:8 WILL:5 BAB:+4/+4/+9/+14
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:20(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:5, Bluff:2, Concentration:16, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:8, Heal:2, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:3, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:8
    LEVEL 10:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 10)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6.5), Concentration +1 (13),
    Haggle +0.5 (6.5), Heal +1.5 (4.5), UMD +0.5 (6.5)
    Feats Selected: Quicken Spell
    Stats at End of Level 10:
    HP:112 SP:600 AC:9 FORT:7 REFL:8 WILL:6 BAB:+5/+5/+10/+15
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:20(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:5.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:17, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:8.5, Heal:3.5, Hide:-1,
    Intimidate:2, Jump:5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:3, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:8.5
    LEVEL 11:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 11)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (7), Concentration +1 (14),
    Haggle +0.5 (7), Heal +0.5 (5), Spot +1 (4), UMD +0.5 (7)
    Stats at End of Level 11:
    HP:121 SP:665 AC:9 FORT:7 REFL:8 WILL:6 BAB:+5/+5/+10/+15
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:20(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:6, Bluff:2, Concentration:18, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:9, Heal:4, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:4, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:9
    LEVEL 12:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 12)
    Abilities Raised: INT: 21
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (7.5), Concentration +1 (15),
    Haggle +0.5 (7.5), Jump +1.5 (7.5), UMD +0.5 (7.5)
    Feats Selected: Shield Mastery
    Stats at End of Level 12:
    HP:130 SP:735 AC:9 FORT:8 REFL:9 WILL:7 BAB:+6/+6/+11/+16
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:21(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:6.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:19, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:9.5, Heal:4, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:6.5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:4, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:9.5
    LEVEL 13:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 13)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (8), Concentration +1 (16),
    Haggle +0.5 (8), Jump +0.5 (8), Spot +1 (5), UMD +0.5 (8)
    Stats at End of Level 13:
    HP:139 SP:810 AC:9 FORT:8 REFL:9 WILL:7 BAB:+6/+6/+11/+16
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:21(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:7, Bluff:2, Concentration:20, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:10, Heal:4, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:7, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:5, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:10
    LEVEL 14:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 14)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (8.5), Concentration +1 (17),
    Haggle +0.5 (8.5), Heal +1 (6), Jump +0.5 (8.5), UMD +0.5 (8.5)
    Stats at End of Level 14:
    HP:148 SP:890 AC:9 FORT:8 REFL:9 WILL:8 BAB:+7/+7/+12/+17
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:21(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:7.5, Bluff:2, Concentration:21, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:10.5, Heal:5, Hide:-1,
    Intimidate:2, Jump:7.5, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1,
    Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:5,
    Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:10.5
    LEVEL 15:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 15)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (9), Concentration +1 (18),
    Haggle +0.5 (9), Heal +1 (7), Jump +0.5 (9), UMD +0.5 (9)
    Feats Selected: Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy),
    Heighten Spell
    Stats at End of Level 15:
    HP:157 SP:975 AC:9 FORT:9 REFL:10 WILL:8 BAB:+7/+7/+12/+17
    STR:8(-1) DEX:8(-1) CON:18(+4) INT:21(+5) WIS:8(-1) CHA:14(+2)
    Balance:8, Bluff:2, Concentration:22, Diplomacy:2,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:11, Heal:6, Hide:-1, Intimidate:2,
    Jump:8, Listen:0, Move Silently:-1, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:5, Search:6, Spot:5, Swim:-1, Tumble:0, UMD:11
    LEVEL 16:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 16)
    Abilities Raised: INT: 22
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (9.5), Concentration +1 (19),
    Haggle +0.5 (9.5), Heal +0.5 (7.5), Jump +0.5 (9.5),
    Spot +1 (6), UMD +0.5 (9.5)
    Equipment Mods Changed To: HP: 20, SP: 100,
    DEX: 6, CON: 6, INT: 6, WIS: 6, CHA: 6
    Enhancements Selected: Elven Arcane Fluidity I,
    Combustive Spellcasting I, Wizard Intelligence I, Racial Toughness I,
    Flame Manipulation II, Deadly Flame I, Elven Dexterity I,
    Human Versatility II, Wizard Energy of the Scholar II,
    Flame Manipulation III, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I,
    Wizard Intelligence II, Racial Toughness II, Wizard Pale Master I,
    Elven Dexterity II, Flame Manipulation IV, Half-Elf Favored Soul Charisma I,
    Wizard Energy of the Scholar III, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II,
    Wizard Intelligence III, Wizard Pale Master II, Flame Manipulation V,
    Shroud of the Wraith, Flame Manipulation VI, Flame Manipulation VII,
    Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante III,
    Storm Manipulation I, Charged Spellcasting I, Storm Manipulation II,
    Storm Manipulation III, Deadly Shocks I
    Stats at End of Level 16:
    HP:264 SP:1380 AC:13 FORT:12 REFL:15 WILL:12 BAB:+8/+8/+13/+18
    STR:8(-1) DEX:16(+3) CON:24(+7) INT:31(+10) WIS:14(+2) CHA:21(+5)
    Balance:12.5, Bluff:5, Concentration:26, Diplomacy:5,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:14.5, Heal:9.5, Hide:3,
    Intimidate:5, Jump:8.5, Listen:3, Move Silently:3,
    Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:10, Search:11,
    Spot:9, Swim:-1, Tumble:4, UMD:14.5
    LEVEL 17:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 17)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (10), Concentration +1 (20),
    Haggle +0.5 (10), Heal +0.5 (8), Jump +0.5 (10), Spot +1 (7),
    UMD +0.5 (10)
    Enhancements Selected: Storm Manipulation IV,
    Storm Manipulation V, Storm Manipulation VI, Storm Manipulation VII
    Stats at End of Level 17:
    HP:276 SP:1480 AC:13 FORT:12 REFL:15 WILL:12 BAB:+8/+8/+13/+18
    STR:8(-1) DEX:16(+3) CON:24(+7) INT:31(+10) WIS:14(+2) CHA:21(+5)
    Balance:13, Bluff:5, Concentration:27, Diplomacy:5,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:15, Heal:10, Hide:3, Intimidate:5,
    Jump:9, Listen:3, Move Silently:3, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:10, Search:11, Spot:10, Swim:-1,
    Tumble:4, UMD:15
    LEVEL 18:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 18)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (10.5), Concentration +1 (21),
    Haggle +0.5 (10.5), Heal +1.5 (9.5), Jump +0.5 (10.5),
    UMD +0.5 (10.5)
    Feats Selected: Empower Spell
    Enhancements Selected: Wizard Pale Master III,
    Shroud of the Lich
    Stats at End of Level 18:
    HP:298 SP:1585 AC:13 FORT:13 REFL:16 WILL:13 BAB:+9/+9/+14/+19
    STR:8(-1) DEX:16(+3) CON:24(+7) INT:31(+10) WIS:14(+2) CHA:21(+5)
    Balance:13.5, Bluff:5, Concentration:28, Diplomacy:5,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:15.5, Heal:11.5, Hide:3,
    Intimidate:5, Jump:9.5, Listen:3, Move Silently:3,
    Open Lock: n/a, Perform: n/a, Repair:10, Search:11,
    Spot:10, Swim:-1, Tumble:4, UMD:15.5
    LEVEL 19:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 19)
    Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (11), Concentration +1 (22),
    Haggle +0.5 (11), Heal +0.5 (10), Jump +0.5 (11), Spot +1 (8),
    UMD +0.5 (11)
    Stats at End of Level 19:
    HP:310 SP:1695 AC:13 FORT:13 REFL:16 WILL:13 BAB:+9/+9/+14/+19
    STR:8(-1) DEX:16(+3) CON:24(+7) INT:31(+10) WIS:14(+2) CHA:21(+5)
    Balance:14, Bluff:5, Concentration:29, Diplomacy:5,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:16, Heal:12, Hide:3, Intimidate:5,
    Jump:10, Listen:3, Move Silently:3, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:10, Search:11, Spot:11, Swim:-1,
    Tumble:4, UMD:16
    LEVEL 20:
    Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 20)
    Abilities Raised: INT: 26
    Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (23),
    Heal +1 (11), Spot +2 (10), UMD +0.5 (11.5)
    Feats Selected: Extend Spell
    Tomes Applied: INT: +2, CHA: +2
    Enhancements Selected: Elven Arcane Fluidity II,
    Wizard Master of Magic, Elven Arcane Fluidity III,
    Wizard Subtle Spellcasting I
    Stats at End of Level 20:
    HP:322 SP:1897 AC:13 FORT:13 REFL:19 WILL:14 BAB:+10/+10/+15/+20
    STR:8(-1) DEX:16(+3) CON:24(+7) INT:36(+13) WIS:14(+2) CHA:23(+6)
    Balance:14, Bluff:6, Concentration:30, Diplomacy:6,
    Disable Device: n/a, Haggle:17, Heal:13, Hide:3, Intimidate:6,
    Jump:10, Listen:3, Move Silently:3, Open Lock: n/a,
    Perform: n/a, Repair:13, Search:14, Spot:13, Swim:-1,
    Tumble:4, UMD:17.5

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'm currently levelling a similar build (, but I think I'll give up on it and LR it into a standard PM.

    The reason is that with U14 they reduced greatly the damage mitigation effect of the Shield Mastery feat.
    Before it was 20% dmg off when blocking with a tower shield, now it is 10 PRR (6.22% dmg off), which is kinda 1/4 of before the update.

    This change IMO make it impossible to build a proper shield-turtling PM.

    It's a bummer for this kind of build, but it is just natural that a caster cannot mitigate 20% of the damage just getting behind a shield. I guess it's for the best.

    *** if by any chance somebody can show me a way to build up a proper wizard PM with a decent PRR I'd be very glad to experiment it ***

  3. #3
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    I am tempted to take mine and add 2 ftr levels with elven fluidity enhancements. Medium armor with Lg shield might be OK from an AC, PRR and Dodge%.

    Problem is it's my 3rd life and I am worried that if I got with the 2 levels it will gimp something LOL. Really don't like experimenting like this but I might just be taking that plunge (I just hit firewall and stoneskin).
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  4. #4
    Community Member LafoMamone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fedechicco View Post
    The reason is that with U14 they reduced greatly the damage mitigation effect of the Shield Mastery feat.
    Before it was 20% dmg off when blocking with a tower shield, now it is 10 PRR (6.22% dmg off), which is kinda 1/4 of before the update.

    Shields are terrible for casters now. I would advise the OP not to blow two feats on it.

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    See, this is why I ask such things.

    How about light armor proficiency? Any value to that?

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I was reasoning about this with FooWonk, and we arrived at the conclusion that an Elf with full Arcane Fluidity (-15% ASF with medium armor like Mithral Full Plates) and objects for Lesser Arcane Casting Dexterity (-5% ASF) and Arcane Casting Dexterity (-10% ASF) can get to 0% ASF while wearing some of the best Full Plates in game.

    This should get you to a decent PRR, and you could complete it with a shield for turtle blocking when you feel like it.

    On the epic side of the matter you could even go further, but I'm personally not interested in it.

    Too bad my build started as a Dwarf... If I was to start it now it'd be an Elf probably.

  7. #7
    Community Member akiraproject24's Avatar
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    May 2006


    For epic hard and normal diffs just any old shield is plenty of DR imo Im just using an epic shield of scorpion atm...and on epic elite..the mobs hit so hard that even with the mastery feats and a nice still gonna have to get the heck outta dodge, at least in my experiences so far. Since release Ive been playing my PM exclusively. Epic norm/hard your normal damage mitigation tecniques ie boon/displace/prot/bracers etc is enough. Throw in your cc and you fine...priestess divine punishment DoTs are the biggest and basically only issue. Epic elite lol, well Ive powered through some with some pots but classic tactics are what will get you through those. For a PM I recommend maxing your int/spell DCs the increase in cc effectiveness (instakilling is a form of CC too!) will make the most of damage mitigations. Just my 2 cents so far.
    Pimpin toons since 2006

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