You buy the expansion, you get the features listed in the expansion. There are alot of people on these forums who claimed that "Turbine will never get another red cent of my money ever again" in the past, and that was an easy statement to make when there was absolutely no incentive whatsoever to pay for specific features. Now that there is a HUGE incentive to do just that, I wonder how many of them have bought / will buy the epic destinies / expansion etc all quiet like then continue to harp that they will never give another red cent to Turbine - all the while they are tabbing back in to the game to play some more DDO after making said statement.
There are also a few people who were telling those of us who were making this same slippery slope argument when artificers were first pay only to shaddap and buy em already, now harping about destinies being pay only. It is as I predicted - they drew that line in a slightly different place than I did, and now that their line has been crossed, they are making the exact same argument I was making back then (when they were telling us all it wasnt such a big deal and to stop complaining).
Hilarious. For the slippery slope argument to be valid in the eyes of those who disagree with said argument, all one has to do is wait until the sheist rolls further down the slope impacting an issue that actually matters to those who disagreed in the past, and observe them jumping right on the same slippery slope bandwagon.
This discussion has already been had over and over again, and the majority lost that discussion, simply by focusing in too hard on the semantics of each single issue that was being complained about in the moment, rather than stepping back and observing the big picture aspect of what was actually happening. Now they want to jump on the bandwagon? Too late - that ship done sailed son.
P.S. +3 tomes are now a perminent fixture in the DDO store, for all those who bantered "ZOMG YRU complaining its only temporary!!!"