So, human is the way to go as a caster druid - the extra feat is just too important. Some feats I plan to take early on - such as Augment Summoning - are temporary, but i'm trying to figure out what to plan for later on. Same with Extend. (5 minute duration buffs suck, but by 20 you don't need it, so it's one to swap out later)
There weren't a lot of threads on druid builds (a lot of discussion on other areas, but not a lot of build posts), so what feats would people say are the key ones?
Maximize/Empower have traditionally been a staple of caster butt-whoopin'. With their change (empower = 75 spell power, maximize = 150), are they still? (Not for a first life druid with little gear at the start of the game, but later on)
Quicken/Heighten? Seems like a lot of the spells I used a lot on Lammaland were low-level and could benefit from heighten. Quicken? Not so much, unless I planned to be a healer. (May decide on that later on, but not right now.)
Spell Penetration/Spell Focus: Evocation (and their Greater equilivants)? Some of the 'key' spells I used didn't have a saving throw (produce flames / creeping cold), and I don't think any of them had a spell resistance check either, but maybe someone who got up higher level could confirm it's usefulness?
1: Augment Summoning
-Human: Extend Spell
3: Mental Toughness
6: Toughness
9: Empower
12: Maximize
15: Heighten
18: *
So, given that I can swap augment, extend, and - probably, by the end-game, mental toughness (figured i'd take it early when I needed the SP, again, being poorly geared), I can get SF: Evo, GSF: Evo, Spell pen, greater spell pen... but like I said, i'm not sure if I will *need* that, or if there are other feats... (My evo. nuke spells don't have a saving throw; Storm of Vengeance does, and it's conjuration, so maybe get SF: Conj. instead? Necro for the one spell that it benefits, which is a good one? One of each, and the two spell pen feats?
Or do I fly blind since there's still not much info on it and let you know how badly I'm doing later on. =) I'm good with that, too. I've got a (probably poor) plan in mind, so it's not like I'm paralyzed with indecision here, though a bit too wordy for my own good.
Anyway... happy druid'ing!