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  1. #1

    Default Cannith Crafting Left Me Naked and Afraid!

    So, there stand 3/4 of my characters now bereft of their crafted armors because new random loot changes have put the ML out of reach. I'm not complaining. I'm only mildly upset. I just would have appreciated a courtesy pat on the head before being informed in such a round about way all the work I put into gaining levels in crafting were to be wasted. Sigh.

  2. #2
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    They did in fact state multiple times that were the max level to be raised, any crafted items that were supposed to be higher than 20 would move to the appropriate level.

  3. #3
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    an armor +5 mithral platemail of superior stability with eldritch ritual and masterful craft is what my fighter was using...for a very long time because i dont get to play it much... log in naked...

    I spent over a million plat making it, used it for several weeks, and am now left with an armor that i can put back on at lvl 20...when i can use epic items...


    stole my time and platinum (not to mention a little real $ i dropped on it)

  4. #4
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    oh and the patch notes...

    say they raised the min levels, which of course they did...

    say they raised the craft levels and added flex shards... not that i see in either of the craft halls...

  5. #5
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebastianosmith View Post
    So, there stand 3/4 of my characters now bereft of their crafted armors because new random loot changes have put the ML out of reach. I'm not complaining. I'm only mildly upset. I just would have appreciated a courtesy pat on the head before being informed in such a round about way all the work I put into gaining levels in crafting were to be wasted. Sigh.
    they did put in a way for you to find out. you could have gone to the lammania server forums, and looked at those release notes. this would have let you know substantially earlier.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    they did put in a way for you to find out. you could have gone to the lammania server forums, and looked at those release notes. this would have let you know substantially earlier.
    I started the game about a month before cannith, i jumped on it. some things i made before lammy even thought of crafting beta nerfs were still raised... no grandfather clause, no nothing, just "who cares if you paid hundreds of thousands of plat for those cannith marks back then, you shoulda been psychic"...

    very not cool

    and a correction on my patch note remark... the bound crafting did go to 150... but alas the statement that unbound goes to 200 is still not true...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Underheart View Post
    an armor +5 mithral platemail of superior stability with eldritch ritual and masterful craft is what my fighter was using...for a very long time because i dont get to play it much... log in naked...

    I spent over a million plat making it, used it for several weeks, and am now left with an armor that i can put back on at lvl 20...when i can use epic items...
    You havent crafted anything else? Just that armor? And you levelled just to get Superior Stability?

    You could drop the +5 to a +4 or +3 and lower the ML? This would have minimal impact on your AC and have no effect on your PRR.

    BTW: you may also find that stock random loot will be better for you, with more AC and more PRR. Certainly named items will be better.

  8. #8
    Community Member JeffreyGator's Avatar
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    This caught me by surprise also and I did go the test server.

    However I didn't take my low level toons (which are the ones with crafted stuff)

    The biggest change that I see is that spell power stuff went from +2 to +4 in two different cases.

    Both superior potency III which now becomes +32 sp and superior reconstruction III which is +48 spower made a couple of items unusable.

    The chimera's breath becoming unusable and requiring farming another one is an especial pain.

    And a variety of other multiclassed toons without vowels thnk/r/s/rbll/sgmp

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    I logged on with my Cleric toon yesterday and got a nasty surprise when she could no longer use her +4 shield with Improved Ardor. It had gone from ML 13 to ML 20. At least I can recover, since my crafter toon (the Barbarian) can now make +5 enhancement shards, and a +5 Lesser Ardor shield is within the usable range for my Cleric. I am also unhappy about the changes to the Proof Against Poison enhancements.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by SardaofChaos View Post
    They did in fact state multiple times that were the max level to be raised, any crafted items that were supposed to be higher than 20 would move to the appropriate level.
    Yep, I read that too. I thought it would mean correcting non weapon and armor items which were under ML in the first place. That would have been perfectly acceptable and not unwelcome. But pegging it to the new random loot generation system made it, well, random. The only way to determine many of the ML factors beforehand was to copy a character to Lamannia and see what happened. Inclusion of previously crafted-only prefixes and suffixes on random loot made even that difficult.

    I understand why the change was made. I even agree with it. I just would have enjoyed something more than a two sentence blurb stating my crafted items may become useless - Like a table showing the new ML factors so I could plan a few things before feeling the nerf bat whack me on the head. Oh, well. The game goes on.

  11. #11
    Pale Fox
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    Superior stability got raised 6 levels if I'm not mistaken (From level 5 to level 11 and that's without anything else on it).

    And yes, I did invest in crafting just for those items.

  12. #12
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Underheart View Post
    an armor +5 mithral platemail of superior stability with eldritch ritual and masterful craft is what my fighter was using...for a very long time because i dont get to play it much... log in naked...

    I spent over a million plat making it, used it for several weeks, and am now left with an armor that i can put back on at lvl 20...when i can use epic items...


    stole my time and platinum (not to mention a little real $ i dropped on it)
    You grossly overpaid.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  13. #13
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    As I understood it, Cannith Crafting was MEANT to allow players to craft their own stronger-than-random gear. It wasn't mean to make gear better than equivalent level named gear, but it WAS supposed to be better than anything you could find as random loot.

    This change to CC went way too far in the nerf dept. I can see raising the potential on some of them by a level or 2, but not by as much as Turbine went.

  14. #14
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Superior Stability was stupidly overpowered as a +3 shard. The "cost" has been adjusted to moew accuratly reflect the power of the effect.

  15. #15
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    wow ppl are broken records sometimes.

    No it was not the only thing i made, Ive been maxed craft lvls for a long time now and have made TONS AND TONS of things. The price on the armor i mentioned cost me so much because in january (long before any mention of nerfing) cannith marks were running fairly expensive as well as needing the proper potential shards, mats for eldritch ritual etc... and besides the investments made to get to that level were even higher.

    My POINT (which no one seems to have the ability to comprehend, hence repeating themselves and patch notes like a broken machine) is that Items that were made LONG ago with time and $ invested in them were taken away, no grandfather clause or anything, and made to be useless at their new levels because of the other gear available at cap.
    no compensation whatsoever of any type... in fact its the contrary, leaving persons in a position of having to gather resources to re-gear.

    If you can't understand whats wrong with that, then there is something wrong with your comprehension of reality.

    *edit*Note: I'm aware that some are going to continue to completely miss the point and rant off into needless specifics of irrelevant scenario's so now that i have emphasized my point I'm done with this thread...*edit*
    Last edited by Underheart; 06-26-2012 at 04:55 PM.

  16. #16
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sebastianosmith View Post
    So, there stand 3/4 of my characters now bereft of their crafted armors because new random loot changes have put the ML out of reach. I'm not complaining. I'm only mildly upset. I just would have appreciated a courtesy pat on the head before being informed in such a round about way all the work I put into gaining levels in crafting were to be wasted. Sigh.
    Your post title has got to be right up there with funniest ever.
    Because it's true makes it that much funnier. (Sort of)

    Please! At least give us a hug before you strip us naked and push us into the streets Turbine! Think of the halflings!?!?!
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    Superior Stability was stupidly overpowered as a +3 shard. The "cost" has been adjusted to moew accuratly reflect the power of the effect.
    I would agree that at +3 it was overpowered. But take my Frozen Tunic, it has at max a +3 craftable option. Now, I can't put Greater or Superior on it as those are +4 and +6 now.

    I'm not sure what the goal here was? If they wanted me to be a higher level to use it fine, but why remove the option to add it?

    Unless I am missing something?
    Last edited by Delekahn; 06-27-2012 at 02:35 AM.

  18. #18
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    superior stability was always supposed to be stupid rear.

    a lvl 3 toon with it was, and always will be, stupidly OP

  19. #19
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    Whats wrong with a level 16+ having it? Why remove that option?

  20. #20
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    With alot of these changes dont be surprised if we get higher rank versions of masterful craftsmanship. They've always had I at the end of them and I wouldnt be surprised if they up the ranks to II+ but probably with ridiculous mat requirements.

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