Game updated fine for me and I logged in and appeared on my guildship, as that is where I logged off yesterday, only to find all the ship buffs and alters have been removed. Anyone else having this problem?
Game updated fine for me and I logged in and appeared on my guildship, as that is where I logged off yesterday, only to find all the ship buffs and alters have been removed. Anyone else having this problem?
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
Re-enter the ship instance. Should fix it. I've had this happen before when the servers are under some load or shenanigans are happening.
You may have left the door unlocked before the update.
H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
<°))))>< S A R L O N A ><((((°>
Everyone I spoke to on Khyber had an empty Guild Ship.
hmm, gonna be a tad ticked if this happens on all of them, i keep up my guilds' amenities and just re-upped everything to a months duration. of course this may be the disappearing bug i see from time to time, letting the airship instance reset, by keeping everyone off of it for 5 minutes usually takes care of it. or it may be part of the new graphics bug, the buffs are there, just invisible to you, leaving the airship and coming back usually fixes that.
Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared
I am on Khyber as well. Just finished chating to a GM and they say they are investigating the issue.
My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.
It should just be the lag causing it, from the servers being hammered.
If you've applied any cosmetics to the ship, like paint job etc, and *they're* not there either, then it's lag.
If they *are* there, then start worrying.
Epitaph for Europe : Valete Keeper Devourerque -- honos et laus insint memoriam et honorem vestram. Gaudium et praedas, quos dedisti generose ad gimpes nostris, in cordibus atque nostris sempiternum. Valete atque semper et gloriose in aeternitatem fideles et robustes CCC !!! - I Was a Mournlander ... - Keeper/Mournlands/Lamannia/Ghallanda
well, on the plus side i can finally get everything to the same duration and expiration so i don't have to buy 3 of these and 4 of those, still gonna be 120k plat gone though![]()
Server: Sarlona. Characters: Rackoribs Barbequed, Brautwurst Flamegrilled, Porkloin Flameseared
It's the Quickfoot gang taking vengeance for us re-swiping that signet.
The one's ship on khyber is nakie as well
Demons run when a good man goes to war
so pay for the buffs again (arg) or wait for ddo to fix...
"your glass of ice water is ready"
luckily enough, if that has happened to our ship (haven't logged in yet) we have our treasurer with 86+ haggle
buy ALL the things cheap!
"May the flamin' force be with you!"
Confirmed same problem on Orien.
Our guild Knights of Insomnia is wiped clean, spoke to someone from Defenders same deal.
Just spent 5 mins of my life ill never get back putting all the amenities back on, forgot where goes where though. I demand 100% XP for 5 weeks and a +10 loot boost as compensation for the emotional distress.
Last edited by zebidos; 06-25-2012 at 10:31 AM.
Thelanis here, empty ship......