This 75% discount is a load of ****. My guild just re upped everything on our airship on June 21st for another month. Now Turbine expires it all away, after only 4 days, and wants to give us a 75% discount to purchase it back...and that's only for the TP goldseal items. Screw that! Why would I basically give them 125% total for these items?? And yes, I want the platinum back TOO! So, for many of us, we had to pay real money for the TP, we had to pay real money for the expansion, and now Turbine wants us to cough up 25% more money for items that we already had legitamately purchsed? Next time Turbine wants to bend us over, can they please use a little lube first? This is a **** solution to a completely unacceptable situation.
So, when I rebuy my guild chest that I bought yesterday but then it expired today, will it have all my stuff in it that disappeared when the chest went poof with the new update?
BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.
Contact support? What about all those poor customers that dont even KNOW about the 75% coupon much less to contact support for an issue Turbine caused. Turbine should be the ones initiating the paybacks, not the customers that got screwed out of their purchases that don't even know what to do.
I started a thread about this and someone was kind enough to provide a link to this one. I thought I would chime in here as well. I have to say that pretty much everything about the update today has been very disappointing.
By the time I could finally log on and attempt to put my UI settings back together I was very disturbed to find the airship buffs I just renewed Saturday gone. Turbine is really on a roll. First the mess up on Father's Day weekend and now this! Just how much of this do they think we should take? I am just about ready to cancel my VIP subscription. I certainly wish I hadn't bothered with the pre-purchase of the expansion pack
Ok, now that I've vented a bit I can always hope tomorrow is a better day on DDO. Please Turbine step up to the plate and make this right. Replace everyone's buffs.... whether paid with TP or platinum!
I have always held my tongue on Turbine's various game issues as I know they have a tough crowd to please. The bugs are things they did not plan for. It is debatable whether they could have foreseen all of them.
However, the reply to my ticket today about the plat spent on buffs being an "oh well" really does get under my skin. Restitution for their screw up is one thing they can do something about and give thought to an APPROPRIATE response. I have 3 VIP accounts and have no problem buying TP. I'd venture to say I've bought on the order of $200 worth in the last 1.5 years, and I don't mind supporting the game so that it is profitable. I don't expect money or TP, that would be stupid. But, couldn't they make all guild ship buffs for 1 TP each usable for 1 or 2 weeks could soften the blow? Heck, you could look at is a marketing opportunity, maybe get a few people liking the gold seal buffs. They might even purchase a few after the sale.
But to say that the correct response for customer satisfaction is a flippant "you will need to repurchase the airship buffs" is total *#&$. Whoever thought that was a good decision needs a week off without pay to think about their "genius" thinking. If Turbine management punishes people for making decisions in favor of customer satisfaction, those managers need time off or time to look for another job. I like DDO as an overall game play product. But their customer relations needs real work.
Crakspiders - Craakspdr - Crakdspidr - Thatdoood - Otherdoood - Otherrguy
all my ship buffs are gone, just replaced all of them two days ago...
Take a deep breath people.
You are going to come out ahead on the TP front.
Replace your TP purchased amenities using the 75% off coupon.
Then contact customer support and get refunded for the TP amenities you lost.
So, whatever time you used of the amenities you previously had will have been free and the next month of amenities will be at 25% normal cost.
That's pretty fair compensation.
As for in-game plat loss... Turbine should just put ship amenities on sale in-game at 50% off for the next 3 months.
This happened on my guild ship also. We have a Level 91 guild ship with LOTS of expensive items that we had JUST updated before the mod. It costs us over 200K plat to update everything, so that puts my Officer out 400K plat. This should not have happened, but if it was unavoidable for some reason it should have been communicated and guild ship upgrades made free for a week or so in order to let guilds replace everything.
BTW 75% off Gold Seal items does not help me - nothing on our ship costs Turbine points. Anyone who spent plat for amenities in the first week should be reimbursed.
Last edited by WestiesMA; 06-26-2012 at 01:56 AM.
Aylianna * Aylamarran * Callwynn * Sellia
First off I would like to congratulate Turbine on an Expansion pack that went well and was ready on time.
Second I would also like to congratulate them on pulling millions maybe billions of plat out of the game by removing every guild ship amenity. Then the thanks is I can pay Turbine points for things I paid plat for cool thanks. My guild is level 91 I don't need any items from the guild ship available on the Turbine store no worries, I get it you are looking into the issue and all will be fine. What a F$%^&*g joke. Thanks for nothing my guild rotates amenities monthly this was my month to keep the ship updated. Guess I can pay cash to update things again no worries FYI extortion is a crime as long as it is not online I guess.
Officer of Chimera - Sarlona
I'm the only one who puts amenities on my guilds ship, and I DO NOT put anything up with TP. So turdbines solution to this is to give me a discount on products I don't buy? They want me to spend REAL money to replace things bought with game money? **** poor solution turbine, **** poor.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa......Are you seriously saying that people who had to re-up their ship buffs ( my guild included ) should spend TURBINE POINTS to re-up them, when it is CLEARLY and bug that is the "expansion?" Discount or no, PLEASE tell me this is a joke.
Why in the Nine Hells would ANYONE spend TP rather than in game plat.?
This is not even a little bit funny, Jerry. Not one bit.
There is no way I, or my guild mates would be willing to spend TP ( actual cash ) to fix something your company broke.
Get a grip, sir.
Last edited by walkingwolfmike; 06-26-2012 at 03:09 AM.
Yeah and either way, Turbine's response is going to be, "Hahaha...we got you to pay twice...and some of you paid actual cash...twice!" Notice that there hasn't been a single response from them to this thread and their **** poor customer service response on their complete screw up on this. Excellent. Whoever manages their customer service department should be beaten mercilessly with a hatchet.
And here's the real kicker for most players/guilds.
Stuff happens and it cost 200k plat to fix. We never use TP for the ship(and we lost a spot for a crew)
Well that's ok, with the new loot table and all my Giants Vault timers up, replacing 200k will be a snap.
UMMMM...WHAT...all loot values have been reduced by 50%????????????????
So I lost 200k and it will now take me twice as long to replace it??
Well I guess I'm saving plat on the missing crew hookpoint............
Some people are like Slinkies
They don't really have a purpose
But they still bring a smile to your face
When you push them down the stairs
Yeah, this!
You make backups before the update, restore each to a sandbox, write a query to build a list of what ship had what buffs with how many hours, write a script to mail that many amenities contracts to the guild leaders of each guild.
It might take a couple of programmers a day or two, so tell everybody you are working on it and this massive screw up will have cost us nothing.
I'm very angry about this, about the bad customer support response even more than the fact that the coding was wrong and the testing was inadequate.
And I'm *so* glad I didn't buy the expansion, though I'd rather have been proven wrong on that one![]()