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  1. #181
    Community Member Peter_Stauffenberg's Avatar
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    Our guild level 61 airship had lost all amenities too. We had to use TP to get the Lesser Strength and Altar of Devastation back and PP to get the other amenities back.

    Since this is a bug affecting all players I wonder how it managed to get past beta testing.

    Well, the damage is done. Fortunately the results of the bug can be fixed by repurchasing what's lost so we can still play on and enjoy the expansion. Still, I feel that Turbine should do something to players so they feel well compensated and forget about this mishap. All that's suggested is a 75% discount on 10 goldseal amenities. That's not much. Most amenities were bought with PP and having to pay again for gold seal amenities means you lost real money because of a game bug.

    It will be impossible to find who rebought the lost airship amenities and whether turbine points or PP's were used. Therefore you need to have some kind of refund system that can benefit the guild regardless of who lost the PP's. One way of doing it could be to e. g. extend for free all existing airship amenities by 3 weeks when an update is added and servers are down. That should be rather simple to do. You just increase the number of days remaining for each airship amenity on each ship by 21 days.

    Since it will be a few days until an update will be run all guilds should be able to get their amenities back so they can benefit from a time extension.

    An alternative way could be to double the duration of each airship amenity extension spent before July 14 from 1 to 2 weeks if the current time left on the amenity is less than 1 month. You don't benefit from stocking up because after July 14 you only get 1 week as usual if you use the extension on the amenity. With this method you will on average get 2 weeks free for each amenity you had.

  2. #182
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peter_Stauffenberg View Post
    Since this is a bug affecting all players I wonder how it managed to get past beta testing.
    It got past Lamannia (beta) as no one had any ship access and getting a cheap low level ship was impossible in some cases as we couldn't grab Astral Diamonds from the store to grab the low ship due to the store being bugged out 90% of the time over there.

    Well, except the Dev's apparently, who became level 100 guild in a matter of seconds.

    Anyway, my biggest concern is the items in any chests. And whether replacing them will cause any issues, as there was a lot of gear on one of my ships held in the chests for usage by everyone. Not done anything so far as worried they may be permanently lost if I do something I shouldn't.

    Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
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  3. #183
    Community Member krzyysiek098's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This has been added to our Known Issues list:

    Airship amenities applied prior to June 25th expired upon the release of Menace of the Underdark. Guilds may use coupon SHIP75 for a 75% discount off amenities in the DDO Store. Coupon is good through Sunday July 1st, limit 10 per account.

    For folks who purchased amenities with Turbine Points, please contact support for further assistance.
    And what for folks who purchased it with plat?

    I'm running a solo guild and that is a significant expenditure for me. Amenities for 1 month cost me over 150k plat (large guild chest alone is 35k, then all +2 shrines and all resistance 30 shrines). For a past few weeks I've been TRing almost whole game-time, so yeah, restocking my ship is expensive (hard to get that much plat vendoring lvl 10 gear, ya know...)

    Besides, I don't see any reason why should I pay for Turbine's mistakes . While I fully understand that this game is 6-years old and it's impossible to avoid bugs in updates, please keep in mind that in-game currency is also worth something - OUR TIME. Sending some plat to guild leaders to cover those expenses (like for example 100-200k for guilds lvl 50+, 50k for lvls 20-49) or extending the duration of amenities would be fair IMO, and very welcomed.

    And cheers for the guy who said that 50k for restocking is nothing. I would suggest you to cease speaking for the whole community and start speaking for yourself, because (while I respect your opinion) it's far from reality.

    On a positive note - FR is so cool, keep up the good work devs :-)
    Last edited by krzyysiek098; 06-26-2012 at 07:08 AM.
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  4. #184
    Community Member chance2000's Avatar
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    Default Same Here

    On Argonnessen same thing.
    Had to buy all new stuff.
    For 1 month on all ship amenities shroud alters and all, cost my bard 150,000 plat.
    Not poor in DDO so not a problem.
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  5. #185
    Community Member AdamSmith's Avatar
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    funny Turbine has posted other issues in the launcher but not this one. Maybe not a lot of players buy gold seal shrines in the first place so it's not a big concern to them. But even so now it's a known issue, what's to stop this from happening again before the next update rolls out. Maybe the airship amenities will get wiped again.

  6. #186
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    Our ship was stripped bare as well. I had to send plat to my Bard and re-buy all the amenities.

    I am hoping that I will be getting LOTS of plat from the forgotten realm stuff.

    You hear me? LOTS!

    There is no way I would use real money to replace those rented items. I have never liked the idea of renting guild storage to begin with.

    Can we get some cosmetic orange outfits so we can protest the suppression of the working class by the coin lords?

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  7. #187
    Community Member Silex_Molior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This has been added to our Known Issues list:

    Airship amenities applied prior to June 25th expired upon the release of Menace of the Underdark. Guilds may use coupon SHIP75 for a 75% discount off amenities in the DDO Store. Coupon is good through Sunday July 1st, limit 10 per account.

    For folks who purchased amenities with Turbine Points, please contact support for further assistance.
    We expect a Platinum refund as well. Add that to the internal bug ticket.

  8. #188
    Community Member Arnez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krzyysiek098 View Post
    And cheers for the guy who said that 50k for restocking is nothing. I would suggest you to cease speaking for the whole community and start speaking for yourself, because (while I respect your opinion) it's far from reality.

    On a positive note - FR is so cool, keep up the good work devs :-)

    We run a family-based 6 account guild. Only 5 total TR'd characters- we're pretty careful about Plat. Losing everything (also just re-stocked before update) is a big deal.

    So yeah- 1%- please don't speak for the rest of us. Devs- Good job on FR, can't wait for more in that world.

  9. #189
    Community Member Dark_Knight_Silver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestiesMA View Post
    This happened on my guild ship also. We have a Level 91 guild ship with LOTS of expensive items that we had JUST updated before the mod. It costs us over 200K plat to update everything, so that puts my Officer out 400K plat. This should not have happened, but if it was unavoidable for some reason it should have been communicated and guild ship upgrades made free for a week or so in order to let guilds replace everything.

    BTW 75% off Gold Seal items does not help me - nothing on our ship costs Turbine points. Anyone who spent plat for amenities in the first week should be reimbursed.
    Thought I would let you know haggle affects ship buff purchases. I was amazed at the savings it's almost 50% savings with a 73 haggle.

    This whole issue an example of turbines lax testing history.... I just spent about 80k as well

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by LucidLTS View Post
    Yeah, this!

    You make backups before the update, restore each to a sandbox, write a query to build a list of what ship had what buffs with how many hours, write a script to mail that many amenities contracts to the guild leaders of each guild.

    It might take a couple of programmers a day or two, so tell everybody you are working on it and this massive screw up will have cost us nothing.

    I'm very angry about this, about the bad customer support response even more than the fact that the coding was wrong and the testing was inadequate.

    And I'm *so* glad I didn't buy the expansion, though I'd rather have been proven wrong on that one
    I ask you this. If those programmers are the same ones who created this update (and the great Mabar banning) what likelihood of success do you figure this solution has? Besides all the programmers are really busy actually finishing the update they just pushed out half-baked.

    Trust me I know the developers and QA hate that they were forced to push out a half-baked release so I don't really blame them. I blame the people above them.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elements View Post
    First off I would like to congratulate Turbine on an Expansion pack that went well and was ready on time.

    Second I would also like to congratulate them on pulling millions maybe billions of plat out of the game by removing every guild ship amenity. Then the thanks is I can pay Turbine points for things I paid plat for cool thanks. My guild is level 91 I don't need any items from the guild ship available on the Turbine store no worries, I get it you are looking into the issue and all will be fine. What a F$%^&*g joke. Thanks for nothing my guild rotates amenities monthly this was my month to keep the ship updated. Guess I can pay cash to update things again no worries FYI extortion is a crime as long as it is not online I guess.
    You --would-- like to congratulate them but can't, right? Because there is no way that your "First off" is accurate.

  12. #192
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This has been added to our Known Issues list:

    Airship amenities applied prior to June 25th expired upon the release of Menace of the Underdark. Guilds may use coupon SHIP75 for a 75% discount off amenities in the DDO Store. Coupon is good through Sunday July 1st, limit 10 per account.

    For folks who purchased amenities with Turbine Points, please contact support for further assistance.
    Wow man wow.

    So what thing should we expect Turbine to mass delete next that we paid for with TP that we can pay more money to buy back (discount is irrelevent) or roll the dice with account support and take more time then that item is worth to get it back for 'free'.

    Turbine should correct their mistakes and not make customers jump through hoops to fix them. That is shady and an unnaceptable business practice, particularly when you try and get people to buy the same items you just screwed up and deleted.
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  13. #193
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Default !!!

    We also lost our buffs on the ship. I logged on last night eager to get over to the FR and check it out. I had a limited amount of time to play so instead of wasting time putting the buffs back on the ship I ran the quest without any of the buffs

    Guess what ... I made it just fine. No problems. Would I like to have my plat back, sure. But I am not convinced that this is such a huge deal. My understanding is if you used TP Turbine will do something to help you. If you are out plat, I hear that those monsters in the FR have loads of plat sitting in their pockets. Go kick some drow tail and recover your lost plat.

    Those are my 2ep. Have fun in the new content!

  14. #194
    Community Member SurlyYuri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerincho View Post
    and you would be speaking about an entirely different issue. thanks for playing.
    No problem.

    Oddly enough, related behaviors are oftimes...related. Obviously an unintentional coding "benefit" tho.

    Have fun with your witch burning.

  15. #195
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This has been added to our Known Issues list:

    Airship amenities applied prior to June 25th expired upon the release of Menace of the Underdark. Guilds may use coupon SHIP75 for a 75% discount off amenities in the DDO Store. Coupon is good through Sunday July 1st, limit 10 per account.

    For folks who purchased amenities with Turbine Points, please contact support for further assistance.
    All but one of my guild ship's amenities were bought with plat.

    Im usually not one to complain about you guys on the forums, but this store discount does nothing for me and my guild in this regard.

    I easily spent upwards of 150,000 plat replacing everything.
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  16. #196
    Community Member xPhoxhoundx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    pssst. Look at the response right above yours. 50k is nothing to folks who are plat capped. 50k is a lot to folks who are plat strapped.

    And yeah, wasting my time should mean something.
    THANK YOU. +1 for understanding that not ALL people have plat coming out our ears.

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Sure, I've seen that report. Ultimately, I'm trying to get a better sense from folks as to whether there are other guilds out there who logged in for the first time since the expansion was released and still had their amenities. Thanks!
    We had all amenities in place. And I was the first to log in. Other guild member had previous login 7h before mine.
    Blood Moon in Wayfinder, guild level 64, Stormglory Tempest, with no TP bought stuff, nor a guild chest.

    What was that stuff about a missing hook point? That certainly would mess amenities... I don't think we had anything missing, since I do a full run very often.

  18. #198
    Community Member Kindrson's Avatar
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    yup, all my ships, I have 4 guilds, are nekkid and at least two of them had full guild chests, I use them to hold guild slotted items before I put them in AH.. so when/if I rebuy my amenities, will my chests still have loot in them or will the new chests be empty???...
    Turbine you really bent us over the couch on this one, and didnt even use lube!!!
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  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Modulex View Post
    What was that stuff about a missing hook point? That certainly would mess amenities... I don't think we had anything missing, since I do a full run very often.
    There was a bug a while ago where one of the higher level (higher is 30+ for me) was missing a hookpoint that was intended to be there. This was fixed a while ago. Apparently that fix got reverted.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  20. #200
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    OMG, same here in Ghallanda. Guild ship clean like brand new ... I agree that amenities are replaceable, but in my case, i have 2 chest guild on that ship !!! (the small and big one)
    What am i suppose to do with coupon or 30% off on the store ... Guys ... really ... what's wrong with you !!!

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