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  1. #1
    Community Member Nitesco's Avatar
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    Default Paying 10 reds for MotU standard code

    I'm still looking for codes, now I'm paying 10 reds for a standard code.

  2. #2
    Community Member Nitesco's Avatar
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    Trade completed.


  3. #3
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    This seems to also value the 5k TP code at 10 Reds/6 million (?) plat, as they are the same price and are both still available after release. Although the spider hat is not available later.

    Seems pretty good value compared to the 5k code - 6k-11k TP vs 5k - to buy the standard pack if you don't have alot of the adventure packs. Even with the MOTU + Tome + 1k TP = 8275 TP, it is a good trade.

    Standard pack includes:
    1,000 Turbine Points
    Veteran Status (lvl 4) - easy to unlock @20, normally 995 TP
    DDO Classics Adventure Pack bundle
      Phiarlan Carnival (450 TP)
      Attack on Stormreach (550 TP)
      The Path of Inspiration (450 TP)
      The Dreaming Dark (450 TP)
    Greater Tome of Learning (1 free tome per DDO game world) - 1595 TP
    Total: 4490 TP
        Menace of the Underdark Adventure Packs – 2495 Turbine Points
        Epic Destinies (account wide unlock) – 995 Turbine Points
        Eveningstar Challenge Pack (free to VIPs) – 695 Turbine Points
        Druid class (free to VIPs) – 1495 Turbine Points
    Total: 5680
    Grand Total: 11170 TP
    Plus if Prepurchase: Spider Cult Mask + Couple Pets

  4. #4
    Community Member praetor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptysands View Post
    This seems to also value the 5k TP code at 10 Reds/6 million (?) plat, as they are the same price and are both still available after release. Although the spider hat is not available later.

    Seems pretty good value compared to the 5k code - 6k-11k TP vs 5k - to buy the standard pack if you don't have alot of the adventure packs. Even with the MOTU + Tome + 1k TP = 8275 TP, it is a good trade.

    Standard pack includes:
    1,000 Turbine Points
    Veteran Status (lvl 4) - easy to unlock @20, normally 995 TP
    DDO Classics Adventure Pack bundle
      Phiarlan Carnival (450 TP)
      Attack on Stormreach (550 TP)
      The Path of Inspiration (450 TP)
      The Dreaming Dark (450 TP)
    Greater Tome of Learning (1 free tome per DDO game world) - 1595 TP
    Total: 4490 TP
        Menace of the Underdark Adventure Packs – 2495 Turbine Points
        Epic Destinies (account wide unlock) – 995 Turbine Points
        Eveningstar Challenge Pack (free to VIPs) – 695 Turbine Points
        Druid class (free to VIPs) – 1495 Turbine Points
    Total: 5680
    Grand Total: 11170 TP
    Plus if Prepurchase: Spider Cult Mask + Couple Pets
    you raise a good point varz, that is that arbitrage is rife in virtual economies due to market inefficiencies, barriers to trade, and favors those with liquidity. this point was illustrated in a paper published on the tf2 hat economy and certainly applies here as well

  5. #5
    Community Member Nitesco's Avatar
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    Can someone please explain to me in layman's terms what's being discussed here?

    Did I get a good deal or not?

    Edit: Selling Vintage Mining Light 2.44 ref.
    Last edited by Nitesco; 06-25-2012 at 10:08 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitesco View Post
    Can someone please explain to me in layman's terms what's being discussed here?
    Go read

    One of the issues with virtual markets is that the value of the goods are intangible. Notionally a RDS is worth 600kp on Khyber at present. Since this is a fixed (low) supply, fixed (high value) demand it has been converted into a medium of market exchange.

    Items of value and then marked back to the exchange unit, but they themselves can change in value due to changes in the game. Witness Ioun stones and 3 completions reward, Claw scrolls after Purple Knight Gloves, etc.

    The other unit of exchange TP have a cash value, the plat value of this changes but can be looked up. However TP has a large unit value, plus essentially it is /real cash/. Any high value exchange item is generally hard to move, and the seller often either makes a large profit or a large loss. The later is unlike with TP as any seller will simple not sell, but it may depend on how they value the market.

    Your bid to market "I want", "I bid 8", and "I bid 10" is a pretty standard market buy signal. Being public is the "interesting" part as markets only work if there are clear market signals. Price is set at the rate willing to use - buy or sell.

    Combined the above and what Viz is saying, you arbitraged the TP vs the RDS value - the price difference between the two market units. Harder higher value slow moving item (TP/MOTU code) vs an easy lower Value fast moving item.

    Did I get a good deal or not?
    Are you happy with the price? Is the seller happy? Since a deal occured and you got want you want at the price you bid, I'd say that is does not matter.

    Maybe tomorrow the price would be different.

    For example a CE code is probably worth more this week, since it can not be purchased now. I've been told that they were selling for 20 RDS (*) previously. Maybe they are worth 25-30 now? However, maybe the value of RDS (Green DS replaces RDS value) have changed? Maybe the value of LDS (GS decom => higher system) has changed with the changes in MOTU. So maybe next week they will be worth 40RDS - unlike since the supply of RDS is unlikely to change, although the innate consumption/demand (red armor, but this depends on shard drop rates) for RDS might reduce will then increase the RDS M3, but that's another story.

    Richtenfaust comments represent another data point on the TP market.

    (*) The CE code is harder to value I think. I figure if you have 5 active toons that you TR, then the lesser tome for character is worth 995TP x 5. Estimate say 355TP for the permanent Gold Seal hireling for all characters, then the total TP value for a CE code is around 20,000 TP. However, someone with 5 active toons may already have all the adventure packs included (worth 5395TP), although a VIP could consider switching to premium and then not having to buy all those packs. So the CE code maybe then worth 15-20k TP. For someone with 10 toons then the lesser tome for all characters is probably worth almost 10k TP.

  7. #7
    Community Member Richtenfaust's Avatar
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    If you paid 10 Reds for a MotU Preorder Standard code...yes, you got an excellent deal. It is worth ~8k+ TPs, which would be a value of around $80 or more. Scales sell for ~600k each on a good day, making what you paid ~6M plat for ~12+M plat worth of TPs (at least based on the 7M Plat I got for a 5k code).

  8. #8
    Community Member Nitesco's Avatar
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    Two thoughts spring to mind, that might be relevant.

    First, the value of FRDS is going to drop significantly with the update. I knew that, had a significant amount and needed to dump them.

    Second, the opportunities for someone with cash to spare to aquire 10 reds, something which can take a significant amount of game time to accumulate, don't come around very often.

    This might not matter though, as reds are no doubt being traded for TP anyway, although I expect that to taper off with their devaluation. I think I got a good deal, because I wasn't going to spend any more money in the DDO store and got to offload some of the in-game wealth I had accumulated, that was sitting in my bank losing value. For anyone who wanted to make a set of Redscale, it was also an excellent opportunity to easily aquire reds.

    I don't know much about economics, but I knew enough to see the market had reached a turning point and not doing anything was too risky.

  9. #9
    Community Member Richtenfaust's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Well said. +1

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