I'm starting to feel like during an investigation

Are there any solution hidden behind all these questions or...?
There are specific technical reasons for each question, want me to bore you with paragraphs of details? I'll need to set aside a couple of hours to write the essay...
Ok, My2Cents, let's roll:
I hope so, because till now I tried most of them and it still doesn't work....grrr
No, I don't have any personal web page or similar things. And could you be more precise - I mean how should I understand "what else is running on your computer"? ;-)
Typically we'll find that VOIP software (such as skype) or File Sharing software can suck bandwidth but in your case I was looking for either Database Servers or IIS or personal web servers that might have reset some web timeout value or other options of the .Net Framework. I'm sure something would stand out in your mind if that were the case such as "Oh yes, we host my small company's web site from my PC" or "Oh yes, I manage the membership database online using the new Blahblahblah personal database cloud management package" or somesuch...
It's a quite big flat on a 5th floor, in a building in a capital city (lol, do I really have to write such personal things on forum?) and I have a wireless net connection. I'm from Poland as it is written under my avatar...
I apologize, I could have sworn I looked below your picture before asking. I asked because I have seen bad connections from a few countries at times, especially in the middle east and Australia. Haven't heard anything reported from Poland. (I have family roots 3-4 generations back in poland, btw...) And no I did not intend to ask personal information. The fact that you live in an apartment building may mean you share an internet connection and may have bandwidth implications as well as you may not have access to the router in case there are router firewall or port settings worth pursuing...
Any idea what to do or next question will be about my personal data?

(couldn't resist)