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  1. #21
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loki_3369 View Post
    Perhaps (s)he was busy spamming capstones and the heal spell on his/her Hezrou. The Hezrou is their tank!

    Yay Stone's of Experience ftw.
    Here's a real winner i saw an lfm on sarlona last night lvl range 14-18 Hound of Xoriat on hard/elite, myddo the guy and couple people there for kicks, the party leader had 168 hp...had all that cool gear you get from the stone experience....ha ha ha...there is the negative effect of the stone if i ever saw it.

    Sorry for the off topic...har.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    (...) didn't even understand the concept of sp conservation or keeping a tank up. Really frustrating. I'd be OK with the situation if the dude actually learned something from the experience but it sure didn't seem like it.
    Some Cannith folk are prone to folly. Ignorance is bliss, they say?

    You give them advice, tell to visit forums/ddowiki and learn the BASICS of the game and their class. In return you get curses, drama and squelches. Oh well... you can't win 'em all!

    I was once a newb, I am still one in some aspects, but I am not ignorant noob.

  3. #23
    Community Member HeartOfSteel's Avatar
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    It's still funny to see how much drama can come out from a thread that should be about "healing tanks".

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by enearh View Post
    Some Cannith folk are prone to folly. Ignorance is bliss, they say?

    You give them advice, tell to visit forums/ddowiki and learn the BASICS of the game and their class. In return you get curses, drama and squelches. Oh well... you can't win 'em all!

    I was once a newb, I am still one in some aspects, but I am not ignorant noob.
    I'm lucky, I run into these ignorant noobs rarely. I bet 90%+ of the players are trying their best... I was on my paladin some days ago in Vale, and a cleric (who seemed a new player) was overhealing us, and when we told him we dont need to be on full hp all the time, he said he wants us being alive, because without us, he would be lost and dead.

    There are a LOT of new players these days, sometimes veteran players get ****ed off because they do mistakes, but I think most of them are not here to fail or wipe quests/raids. It looks like Turbine want to shorten the learning curve, I dunno it's good or not, but we have to live with it. Game must be fun, all success is a team effort, and when you fail... just share the blame for that wipe.

    Of course, there are people who won't take any advice or help, and will be angry when you tell them how heavy fort is a must etc., how to deal with them is a tough question, and I'm not an expert of this area. But i think most newbie cleric/fvs/bard choosed that class because they like to group with others, therefore they are open to learn how to be more effective in those groups. So I guess we, vet players should be open to teach them when they hit our LFM.

  5. #25
    Community Member HeartOfSteel's Avatar
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    I found some wipes to be actually well worth the time I spend sitting on this chair, laughs won't be something I'll loot in the endchest.

    Speaking about players : some folks just decided to play the game the way they want to, ignoring that being in a party means actually covering a role at your best.
    On the other hand Cannith is full of players that built up a wall of elitarism around themselves; I'm surely not the best player to judge but when I'm in a pug with a newbie generally I try to give advices with the hope this person could learn something.
    Sdrumo - human Barbarian
    Quorthon - Dwarf tank Fighter
    Belthamas - Human PM

  6. #26
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    One thing I learned over time is that it's a lot easier to teach by example than by explaining.

    Heal the raid. Let the newbie who ran out of sp early watch the other healers still have a lot of sp when the raid ends. Eventually, he will ask them how it's done.

    Remember that spike pit in rainbow? Talking newbies on their first time across the pit is pretty much impossible, but they can usually make it after watching other people do it and trying a few times.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  7. #27
    Community Member EpiKagEMO's Avatar
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    This has been happening to all the servers apparently. Stone of experience is a stone of skipped knowledge.
    I've ran with casters, that didn't dots, haste, rage, displace. I've ran with healers, without Heal.

    I do find it annoying, when they have trouble finding the spell Heal.
    Tank: "Pick it up, it's worth having. You see 1k HP? It's like a full heal for me. Boom! like that. only costs 50SP for empowered."
    The healers keep saying, "Your not incapacitated."
    Tank: "...6th Level Spell. Look for spell called heal. No, it's not under your feats or skills list. It's in the spells section, 6th level spells."
    Healer: Nope, it says you need to be incapacitated.
    Tank: "@#%@$!#@$!@$"

    It's harder getting them to look for radiant servant in enhancements. Hopefully, the new update will FIX THAT.

    It's a lot worse when a fvs doesn't have Heal. 16th level FVS without heal. Getting them to pick it up is a pain. But the better thing is, they have more SP and cast faster.
    A rogue is basically, "Look at me or die."

  8. #28
    Community Member Zeklijan's Avatar
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    Default wait a sec..

    People talk about how they failed raids because of pugs? Aha!

    I talk about raids we failed because the raid must kill mobs is in a wall, or that the demonweb raid can't complete after about 2 hours of rampaging in the raid and 30 spell pots used.

    and I quote Lolth:
    You will pay in ways you cannot imagine!

    hell yeah baby, 50 majors for you!

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