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  1. #41
    Community Member Pank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by praetor View Post
    now that the update has been out and we've all been upgraded to god-mode (or should i say quests were downgraded to easy-mode), it looks like i was right.

    1) i have personally solo'd epic hard and normal of every eberron quest, except for quests that require 2+ people (obv). many melee have also accomplished the same feat, so think before you start shouting "its cuz ur a sorc!!!111one"

    2) i have personally solo'd about half of eberron on epic elite, and there are posts of melees, healers, doing the same.

    3) all the above applies to the new content as well, almost all of it can be destroyed on epic hard or below by a single player.

    thanks for playing, naysayers, but you lose.
    I think the fact that you can do this only means that epic elite is too easy... for you.
    Honestly, what percentage of players with toons at levels 20+ do you think that can solo everything at epic elite?
    I for one can't, and I've completed almost everything pre U14 in PUGs on epic (small guild) and contributed to the parties outcome (not piking). Not even talking about first lifers new players boosted with stones of xp.

    If difficulty is scaled to adjust to your capacity (I bow to your builds/skill, I really mean it) it will mean that you are doing it for only a very small precentage of the playerbase (in numbers, probably more in terms of visibility and forums exposure)

  2. #42
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    Default Casual is Epic

    Epic Elite Lolth is casual I guess. Will beat her with Silver Flame club just for fun.
    Libras of Khyber, Rogue 80.
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  3. #43
    Community Member praetor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pank View Post
    I think the fact that you can do this only means that epic elite is too easy... for you.
    Honestly, what percentage of players with toons at levels 20+ do you think that can solo everything at epic elite?
    I for one can't, and I've completed almost everything pre U14 in PUGs on epic (small guild) and contributed to the parties outcome (not piking). Not even talking about first lifers new players boosted with stones of xp.

    If difficulty is scaled to adjust to your capacity (I bow to your builds/skill, I really mean it) it will mean that you are doing it for only a very small precentage of the playerbase (in numbers, probably more in terms of visibility and forums exposure)
    i dont think this is the case. for example, it is no longer necessary to screen a group of players to stand a chance at end-game epic elite content. you can just take whoever, without regard to party composition, and barring outright attempts at self-sabotage, you are almost guaranteed a completion at any level of the game as long as you are careful and one person knows the quest.

  4. #44
    Community Member BoundByChains's Avatar
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    If you no longer find challenge in the quests, farm the quests for rare loot and rule the market.
    If you already do, try starting fresh on a new server.

    That'll even the odds a little.
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Epic levels in pnp (And now DDO) are simply 20+

    Case Re-opened. Clarified. and THEN reclosed.

    I think your definition of vast majority is a bit off.
    +1 to you sir!

  6. #46
    Community Member psi0nix's Avatar
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    "I've spent years playing this game, grinding out many lives, farming all the best gear, I've learnt all the game mechanics and how to use them to my advantage, every quest I have worked out the most efficient / fastest method to beat.
    I stand among the top players in the game .... gee this game is too easy . . ."

    This is like a pro-golfer saying that golf is "too easy". . . .

    You put in countless hours to get what you have, and you now want the game changed to counter your "uberness" ?

    It's your own fault the games is "too easy", you have made it that way yourself.

    Why did you start playing DDO ? - was it to "get xp" ? or was it to enjoy the fantasy realm ?

    And unless your playing Epic Elite then it's not about you at all, it's about others being able to complete the quests, others being able to attain the gear...

    Are you one of those who smashes an exploit in the game till you've sucked it dry, and then comes on the forums to "report" it ?

    These kinds of players the game could do without, you think everyone has 40 hours a week to play DDO and want the game changed to cater ONLY for those that do.

    Currently the game has enough challenge in it, you just don't want to challenge yourself, you want others to be challenged / unable to complete so you can lord your "uberness" over them.

    You want to be "challenged" ? - play permadeath. Until your playing permadeath your just wanting others to be challenged not yourself.

    Same thing with not running Epic Elite : if your not running this ... then again, you want "others" to be challenged not yourself.

    "But I shouldn't have to artificially create challenge for myself"

    Why not ? - Why should every other player have to face (for them) unbeatable content just so you can have a challenge (that you could have anyway, you just refuse to do it).?
    Last edited by psi0nix; 07-01-2012 at 10:06 PM.

  7. #47
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    Meh, maybe it's been said already, I didn't read the entire thread, but, they nerfed every class in a certain way here or there, and nerfed the content. Perfect solution to power creep.

    Trust me if you power level to 20 and get no relevant gear/aren't supported by an alt, first level 20 character, even old world on epic-normal will kick your ass. Run an e-snitch even with a bunch of ungeared newbs, you'll see, as you practically solo it and they hide behind you, if you are TR'ed and experienced and geared (Conan factor), which brings me to:

    Hell though I agree it is easy for sure. But then I could stalemate Harry on part 5 of shroud solo. With 1 other of any class or gear, could two man him (hey wipes happened and it ended up a two man).

    On the other hand for some new guy who was a level 20 Barbarian with a holy maul of evil outsider bane, with 600 hp, this new content is plenty challenging i'm sure.

    When you were an 850 health fighter with top crafted and top epic armor, top everything in every slot, like I was on my main entering forgotten realms, yeah, easy as can be, but shouldn't it be? I mean it's still just a bunch of elves with bows and demons throwing slime at us.

    In the tradition of pen and paper (or reality) you are experienced and prepared for what you've dealt with already. Conan Factor.

    And to avoid power creep in mmos, the nerfs to all classes, and nerfs to difficulty are perfect.

    No complaints here, I think they did it perfect.

    I mean did anyone really want to take their 5th life TR in full epics, with a full party of the same in to The lost thread and not be able to beat the first mob in under a minute? One of the same type of monster we've been tearing apart in no time flat in same gear in old world? That I call Luigi factor, aka lame reskins and overpowered to compensate.
    Last edited by lotsfan; 07-02-2012 at 04:17 AM.

  8. #48
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by praetor View Post
    now that the update has been out and we've all been upgraded to god-mode (or should i say quests were downgraded to easy-mode), it looks like i was right.

    1) i have personally solo'd epic hard and normal of every eberron quest, except for quests that require 2+ people (obv). many melee have also accomplished the same feat, so think before you start shouting "its cuz ur a sorc!!!111one"

    2) i have personally solo'd about half of eberron on epic elite, and there are posts of melees, healers, doing the same.

    3) all the above applies to the new content as well, almost all of it can be destroyed on epic hard or below by a single player.

    thanks for playing, naysayers, but you lose.
    Well sir, then you are just too good for the game I guess. Perhaps there are greener pastures elsewhere for you. I dont mean that in a negative sense at all. Once something becomes too easy or boring you SHOULD move on to something more challenging, even if that means changing games. Otherwise you can make the game challenging though actions of your own.

    For the comments of "bad game design is when you have to challenge yourself", I disagree in this case. Only when the game is of no challenge to ALL skill levels is that a poor design. No game company is required to keep all players entertained and challenged at all times. They try to do so because those that are not challenged or entertained will leave and stop paying money. Overall that is NOT a bad thing. There is attrition in everything in life. You cannot please all of the people all of the time.

    In YOUR case you feel less challenged and entertained. However if the majority of the playerbase is challenged and/or entertained then it was a success, no matter what your opinions. Powergamers are people too and should have their playstyle figured into new content decisions, but they are not the ones you balance the game around... and NEVER should be. Neither should it be the lowliest casual player. What is easy for you is not always easy for all. Thus you should point out things that you wish were improved upon but you want to also understand that you are not the target audience and most likely will be ignored if the requests are of the attitude that you are entitled or need your "challenge" level facilitated.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  9. #49
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by praetor View Post
    now that the update has been out and we've all been upgraded to god-mode (or should i say quests were downgraded to easy-mode), it looks like i was right.

    1) i have personally solo'd epic hard and normal of every eberron quest, except for quests that require 2+ people (obv). many melee have also accomplished the same feat, so think before you start shouting "its cuz ur a sorc!!!111one"

    2) i have personally solo'd about half of eberron on epic elite, and there are posts of melees, healers, doing the same.

    3) all the above applies to the new content as well, almost all of it can be destroyed on epic hard or below by a single player.

    thanks for playing, naysayers, but you lose.
    You're partly right. I've soloed all the new quests on epic hard on my gimp thf rogue and had no problems. Stepping into epic elite is a totally different story, though. Even the House P Carnival epics (which I've always considered the easiest, minus Small Problem) are ready and willing to smack down an undergeared or poorly built party. PUG'd Partycrashers on epic elite, and it's definitely harder than old epic was for an at-level party (21-23), although it is pretty badly glitched right now.

    The way I see it - most well-geared melees could never solo 95% of epics pre-update. Post-update, those melees can now run them on epic hard without much difficulty and get a good feel for them and the gear they need. They'll eventually want to run real epic (epic elite) for the challenge and favor though, and when they do they won't be disappointed.

    Your perspective is a bit different. As a well-geared caster, you *could* solo 95% of epics pre-update. Casters have an intrinsic advantage over melee: range. This update didn't do anything to change that. I know Favored Souls and Pale Masters who have already soloed much of the new content on epic elite, and I'm sure that all of the pure casting classes (druids included, now) will be able to do it when they are appropriately geared/leveled. There's no way to avoid that - but it doesn't give them a huge farming advantage.

  10. #50
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    Hmmm, didn't they forget to implement Epic Casual?

    And later on, should we vote for an Epic Epic difficulty?

    Oups, sry, thought Epic had to be challenging

    And for those who stick to dnd rules : yes Epic has always been for level 20+ but hey, dont forget that PnP as DDO had the correct difficulty before. In PnP, when u face 2 balors DC 22, the fight is Epic, just not scaled, just not arranged for masses...

    I'd vote for Epic as it was before update, to give a reason to get better gear, better skills, better tactics, and having a feeling to be involved in something Epic.


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