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  1. #21
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    Bring up politics, religion or dex based rogues in general chat, watch the world burn. Bonus points if you manage to do it without raising GM attention to your trolling.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  2. #22
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Vault of Night provides so many different ways to infuriate various people.

    1. Pick up the key and stop playing

    2. Obtain the voice and stop playing

    3. Trigger Arach before the party is inside the room

    4. When fighting Arach's Knight on an artificer, give everyone elemental weapons

    5. After killing Arach, enter VON 6 on the wrong difficulty

    However, there are other infuriating actions that are applicable in just about any quest.

    1. Join a PUG on a warforged character that has taken the Improved Fortification feat

    2. Whenever a caster in your group casts Firewall, immediately cast Gust of Wind or Ice Storm

    3. When you reach the entrance of a quest that takes a while to get to, step in on the wrong difficulty

    4. Step into any high level quest and say "I have been hearing things about this fortification thing, is it important?"

    5. Grab a teammate's soulstone and drop it in some annoying terrain... lava works best

    6. Criticize every aspect of your teammate's characters; bonus points if theirs are well build or better than yours

    7. Go into an undead form and say "What do you mean I can only be healed by negative energy?"

    8. Offer to tank in Vision of Destruction... do not bring Remove Curse potions

    9. Join a PUG on a healer... once you have started, state that you are an atheist and as such have no divine abilities

    10. Join a PUG on a paladin... refuse to self heal and claim that melees are all about dealing damage and that no melee class can self heal

    11. Take a Torc on a non-caster with no intention of ever becoming a caster

    12. Roleplay a pacifist character

    13. Roleplay a half-orc with 6 intelligence

    14. Break the crystals in Part 3 of the Shroud without permission

    15. Kill the fire elemental or the cat in Part 2 of the Shroud as fast as you can

    16. Constantly contradict yourself or give contradictory advice

    17. Join a raid on an artificer and constantly give everyone Positive Energy Infusion

    18. Say "Woah, I hit a monster!" every time you hit a monster

    19. Join a guild and promptly leave it

    20. Offer to sell a blood stone for 50k platinum in the Trade Channel; put the gem, not the item, in the trade window
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  3. #23
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    Vault of Night provides so many different ways to infuriate various people.

    1. Pick up the key and stop playing

    2. Obtain the voice and stop playing

    3. Trigger Arach before the party is inside the room

    4. When fighting Arach's Knight on an artificer, give everyone elemental weapons

    5. After killing Arach, enter VON 6 on the wrong difficulty

    However, there are other infuriating actions that are applicable in just about any quest.

    1. Join a PUG on a warforged character that has taken the Improved Fortification feat

    2. Whenever a caster in your group casts Firewall, immediately cast Gust of Wind or Ice Storm

    3. When you reach the entrance of a quest that takes a while to get to, step in on the wrong difficulty

    4. Step into any high level quest and say "I have been hearing things about this fortification thing, is it important?"

    5. Grab a teammate's soulstone and drop it in some annoying terrain... lava works best

    6. Criticize every aspect of your teammate's characters; bonus points if theirs are well build or better than yours

    7. Go into an undead form and say "What do you mean I can only be healed by negative energy?"

    8. Offer to tank in Vision of Destruction... do not bring Remove Curse potions

    9. Join a PUG on a healer... once you have started, state that you are an atheist and as such have no divine abilities

    10. Join a PUG on a paladin... refuse to self heal and claim that melees are all about dealing damage and that no melee class can self heal

    11. Take a Torc on a non-caster with no intention of ever becoming a caster

    12. Roleplay a pacifist character

    13. Roleplay a half-orc with 6 intelligence

    14. Break the crystals in Part 3 of the Shroud without permission

    15. Kill the fire elemental or the cat in Part 2 of the Shroud as fast as you can

    16. Constantly contradict yourself or give contradictory advice

    17. Join a raid on an artificer and constantly give everyone Positive Energy Infusion

    18. Say "Woah, I hit a monster!" every time you hit a monster

    19. Join a guild and promptly leave it

    20. Offer to sell a blood stone for 50k platinum in the Trade Channel; put the gem, not the item, in the trade window
    My customers are wondering why im laughing. +1
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  4. #24
    Community Member Slimeball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    How to make yourself hated:

    Don't actually do these. Some are funny, some are downright nasty.

    3) Join a 'BYOH' group. Get into the quest and summon a divine hireling.

    whats wrong with #3? that is bringing heals and if its my hireling then doesn't that make sense? so far me doing this i have only been told to dismiss and leave party 2 times and i have without incident. However the majority of time people seem fine with it as long as i do my part and me and hire do not die.
    who stole my brain?

  5. #25
    Community Member Havok.cry's Avatar
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    I was running a BB run of chains of flame one time with a couple friends. I got the nessessary key to advance when one of my friends says in party hey you should jump in the lava with that... so I did... laughing maniaclly all the way down. It took them 30 minutes to recover the key.
    Matt Walsh:
    But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’

  6. #26
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    20. Offer to sell a blood stone for 50k platinum in the Trade Channel; put the gem, not the item, in the trade window
    Or even just link the gem in /joinchannel trades...
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  7. #27
    Community Member Llewndyn's Avatar
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    Default So...

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    How to make yourself hated:

    Don't actually do these. Some are funny, some are downright nasty.

    1) Join a group for a quest that says 'In Progress' and where the quest starts in an explorer area (example: Prison of the Planes). Make your way to the quest entry. Once you are just outside the quest, ask people for directions. While they rage at you or give directions, grab a coffee. Return and enter the quest.

    2) Join a Shroud group as the 12th person. Ask for an invite to a +2/30 resist guild ship. Bonus points if you are in a guild with those amenities on your own ship.

    3) Join a 'BYOH' group. Get into the quest and summon a divine hireling.

    4) When you are holding a level, apply to join a Bravery group, then after you are accepted take your level (pushing yourself out of the level range) and do the quest. (You can get the same effect at some levels by summoning an Onyx Panther but that is more obvious, if you do the level up trick right people will blame the group leader more than they blame you)

    5) Join a PUG group for an in progress quest, particularly one where groups usually want to be full. Step into a totally unrelated quest and go and make yourself a coffee. Epic VON6 is great for this - they can't kick you without losing VON5 progress.

    6) Post a level 20-20 LFM (25-25 post MOTU) for a quest players run at max level (so your LFM appears at the very bottom of the list). In the comments field type lyrics from 'Call Me Maybe' (or another awful, catchy song) so that everyone that looks at the LFM panel gets that song stuck in their head.

    7) Hold your push-to-talk button down for the entire quest or raid. Works better when someone in real life is arguing with you or when you are playing awful music.

    8) Post extremely overpriced items in the Auction House (say a +1 Holy Shortsword for 1.2m PP), and then ask people in General Chat 'Is a +1 Holy Shortsword really worth 1200000 platinum?'

    9) Join a group for a raid that is marked 'Elite' and then start talking about how this raid is super-hard on Elite and we'll wipe for sure. Bonus points if the raid is the Reaver's Fate.

    10) Join a group for a raid that has a lock-in barrier (like the lock at the start of ToD). Just after passing that barrier, say you need to AFK. Don't come back until the quest is finished.
    "Trolling" on Khyber = "Par for the Course" on Ghallanda.... and KHYBER is known as the drama server?!

    Here's how you Troll on Ghallanda:

    1. Join a quest and begin screaming into your mic, doing your best impression of an ambulance. Make sure you're the healer and you do a good job of healing so everyone has to take it instead of kicking you

    2. Find a ramp that everyone has to move up to advance a quest. Cast grease. Continue doing this until they reform.

    3. Go into a quest that says "Don't Die". Grease the leader or Kormor's him in the middle of a spinning blade trap. Laugh.

    4. Get a good chunky gob of phlegm in your throat. Take Push to talk off, and gargle it the entire quest, adding in coughs and farts to reckless abandon

    5. Join a quest that is marked for normal, the leader says normal, no zerg, then halfway through tell everyone they should stop being wimps and do it on elite. Once you convince them to reform and run on Elite, die first, call them noobs and drop party and put up your own Normal LFG for the same quest. Bonus points if you were the healer.

    6. Join a shroud, wait 6 or 7 minutes, when they tell you they are all in, ask for ship buffs. Go hit the dummy for 2 damage per hit. Better when you are the healer for this one too, or the caster.

    7. Join a group and link all your epic items, whether or not they are for your class or you are running Korthos elites at level is of no consequence

    8. Join a run, die by the shrine, recall out instead of shrining, run back in before anyone knows what you were doing. When they complain later, blame the leader for not being clear that you could not recall out.

    9. Join a shroud as a healer, when they ask if you've done it before don't say anything. In part 4, while they are fighting the dragon, cast blade barrier twice and then stand there doing nothing else. Don't cast blade barrier near the bad guys, just on yourself. Then exclaim it's your first time healing a shroud.
    Last edited by IWIronheart; 08-28-2013 at 09:21 PM.
    Ghallanda - LLEWNDYN 27 Necro Wiz (completionist) + other random uncared for players - Blackmoor Defenders
    Thelanis - Llewndyn (FVS), Brickadoom Jenkins (barb/ ftr)
    Quote Originally Posted by jandhaer View Post
    Nerf Happiness

  8. #28
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    I always liked Grease on the ledge in Tempest Spine.

    Grease is also great on the bridges in Von6.
    "And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
    From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
    And the sky went wan, and the wind came cold,
    And the sun rose dripping, a bucketful of gold. " - Millay

  9. #29
    Community Member Quetzacoala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Havok.cry View Post
    My customers are wondering why im laughing. +1
    That is a perfect example of #21... make a funny post in the forums causing someone to laugh out loud in public, thus embarrassing themselves. Thought of a few others as well, here goes!

    22. Join a group for a quest in which getting runes requires a certain stat, Xorian Cypher for example; say that you can get the rune but once inside pretend to try to activate the runes and fail. Bonus points if the stat you cannot get is that main stat for your class, in other words Intelligence for a wizard or Wisdom for a cleric.

    23. In Redemption, run ahead to Heyton, trigger the blue barrier before anyone is across, and let the sahuagin kill Heyton.

    24. Cast blur (displacement for best results) on a caster attempting to regenerate spell points with their Torc.

    25. Create an LFM identical in every way to one currently posted and make that one wait twice as long for people.

    26. When playing a healer, tell the group that you do not carry healing spells... bonus points if you are a cleric.

    27. Charm a monster just before it is killed.

    28. Waste all of your spell points in an explorer area and then demand to be given mnemonics.

    29. Play an arcane archer but never use Manyshot.

    30. Make a big deal about your monk/rogue splash for evasion and run around in medium or heavy armor.

    31. This one is really evil... type a message and /tell it to a person in your group. We shall call them 'x', and another fellow group member shall be 'y'. Say something along the lines of "'Y', I do not agree with you saying that 'X' is an immature moron... he is a fine person'. Send this to 'x', then quickly send another tell to 'x' saying "Whoops, mistell..." Let the fireworks begin!

    32. Charm all of the monsters around you, then proceed to give them as many buffs as you can. Deathward is particularly fun!

    33. Whenever a party member casts web, you cast burning hands or fireball.

    34. Enter a quest that is IP, say something along the lines of "I am going to pike, have fun!"

    35. Explode an explosive barrel that is right next to a group member.

    36. Explode a group member that is right next to an explosive barrel.

    37. Copy a long paragraph that is completely unrelated to anything in the game and constantly paste it in party chat. Wikipedia is very good for this!

    38. Once again, have 'x' equal a party member. Say something like, "'X'! How dare you call me that! You are on your own in here!" Bonus points for being the healer or the trapper.

    39. Carry on a conversation with yourself in party chat.

    40. Convince a player that Deathblock is a brand of sunblock that is so called because it prevents skin cancer, and thus can prevent death.

    Keep in mind that these are all theoretical, do not actually do them!
    Quote Originally Posted by DeafeningWhisper View Post
    I agree with the feathered marsupial.

  10. #30
    Community Member Ragnar7's Avatar
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    Attack the djinns in EVoN6 with tier 3 alchemicals and then shout, "Who the **** is casting chain lightning? Stop casting chain lightning!"

    Someone actually did this an EVoN6 once, everyone thought it was hilarious though.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar7 View Post
    Attack the djinns in EVoN6 with tier 3 alchemicals and then shout, "Who the **** is casting chain lightning? Stop casting chain lightning!"

    Someone actually did this an EVoN6 once, everyone thought it was hilarious though.
    I remember that one. He wasn't trolling, he was actually ****ed, and only realized that it was his weapon after the party wiped. I wish I could see his face when I asked what weapon he was using.
    Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm

    Leader of Templar

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quetzacoala View Post
    26. When playing a healer, tell the group that you do not carry healing spells... bonus points if you are a cleric.
    26.B Join the last spot in a quest chain lfm looking for a healer, do not tell anyone that your toon cannot heal. Zerg and try to solo on your toon, if pressed into healing open trade window and pass them clw pots
    Make sure you're good enough that the group can finish.
    At end of quest, drop group and put up zerg byoh group for second quest. Your former party is now stuck on part 2 without a flagged healer. Bonus if quest cannot be run without flag, making them redo part one to get a healer.

    Inspired by a true story, with elements added to maximize effect.

  13. #33
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Llewndyn View Post
    "Trolling" on Khyber = "Par for the Course" on Ghallanda.... and KHYBER is known as the drama server?!


    2. Find a ramp that everyone has to move up to advance a quest. Cast grease. Continue doing this until they reform.
    I always find it funny to do this on the ramps in Cursed Crypt elite farms after you have seen the trapper disable the box...

    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  14. #34
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    11) Be me.

  15. #35
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    Default Saying you can solo a red named boss

    Saying you can solo a red named boss, and 3200 mana and three mana pots later,worth of healing, you finally kill the boss. Then say 'I am so Uber I solo'd X"

  16. 07-07-2012, 11:02 AM

  17. #36
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astraghal View Post
    11) Be me.
    Can we give Toppies here? Is that allowed?
    Smrti on Khyber

  18. #37
    Community Member graf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    How to make yourself hated:

    You actually need a guide for that?
    Coinoperated - 20th lvl Idiot.
    Grafven & Griefen.
    Aitu - Someone who does something..sometimes.
    Unreliable & Unresolved.

  19. #38
    Community Member ZeebaNeighba's Avatar
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    I was having a fun time telling a player who joined my "elite hox know it" group not knowing where the quest was. SO instead of saying "subterrane" or booting him, I had a nice time telling him how to buy a heavy pick with a specific name I couldn't remember off the AH and finding this crack in house J where you have to dig with it (because I shared the quest and the location says "beneath house j"), and the crack is invisible if you don't have the pick. He must have used to wiki though, because 10 minutes later he made it into the sub so I couldn't kick him. Sigh.
    Last edited by ZeebaNeighba; 07-07-2012 at 08:41 PM. Reason: also this is not on khyber

  20. #39
    Community Member Anzanel's Avatar
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    Share the Emerald Claw trinket quest from Necropolis.

    ^ How has this not been mentioned yet? ;P

  21. #40
    Community Member Brattyone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Some traps are good to blow at the right time.

    I suggest one of the mincer traps on the left side of the split in elite at-level VON5. Remove your Disable Device item and carry some non-magical Thieves' Tools to make sure you get it.

    Bonus points if you kill a few people with the trap box explosion but survive yourself.
    A lot of really hilarious things on here that have made me laugh, but I especially like this one. It's actually something I would do (jokingly) with friends.

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