Looking for:
Large Ingredients(Scales/Stones/Shrapnels higher priority)
+2/3 dex tome
Kronzek's Cruelty -x2
Antique Greataxe -x2
Grim's Bracelet
Big Top -x3
Full Plate of the Ringleader -x4
Utility Vest -x8
Phiarlan Mirror Cloak
Phiarlan Spy Dagger -x4
Mask of Tragedy
Garos' Malice -x2
Noxious Fang -x3
Shimmering Pendant -x2
Ward of Undeath
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger -x2
Dusk Heart
Siren's Bracers
Staff of Nat Gann
Illusionist's Robe
Kundarak Delving Goggles
Helm of the Mroranon
Other useless stuff
4 Flawless Red Dragon Scale (trade pending)
Cloak of Ice
+1 W/P shortbow (ml:8/RR:human/half-elf UMD:18)
Superior Potency VI Kama
+4 Metalline Kama of PG
+3 Metalline Kama of PG (ml:8/RR:warforged UMD:18)
Dampened Greatclub of the Scrag
Blood Stone (40 durability left)
+2 int tome
+2 char tome - x2
updated slightly
PM Eboodia in-game or message