So last night was great up in the Evening star the Dev's were in a playful mood ha even +Glin & +Tolero were there, +Tolero was giving out Xp while +Glin was stalking his next kill.
All the Dragons were there in all of there Glory with the 3 headed cow the mimic that did not work and not to leave out loath decided to show up so the pub, was the pub no one there so were was every one?
I and others were hunting down +Glin who keeps killing(me)us while +Tolero was being her great full self helping other(thanks)I decided to see how O mighty powerful the Dev's are.
So I jumped on my art and got ready to do battle, I made my bolts thru my spells and started the hunt got to the bottom of the steps was dead with a 487 + 800 + 200 + 1987 + 2000 well let’s just say I ran back up to the rez stone thy put there for people like me not the ones who did the killing.
So I rez and got my points back stayed out of PvP zone until I thought I was safe to move in well To my surprise +Glin came from behind and killed me to many numbers to even try to remember so back to the stone then the pub to get my hit points and this happen quite a few times.
Well the last time I was killed I did not come back to the point that I could not see myself unless I had something in my hand OOOOo So a thought accrued to me so I took my repeater off and ran passed people on the hunt got up on a roof and started to shoot +Glin O what a joy then My paralyzing fire back stabbing crossbow did its thing +Glin was hit!.
Then I was dead some Monk was using some kind of death move that surrounded them and well killed me so OK Back to the pub.
Back to a different roof in the PvP area and I start to shoot random O how great I was killing without mercy I think 4 – 5 people until someone seen my weapon ok back dang forgot to put weapon away got killed.
Now on the roof OOooo I found +Glin so I don’t shoot anyone else I target only Him Well my repeater did the job once more and I hit him and then others seen him paralyzed then they started to go after him O joy you See +Glin was stalking all the others to all kept thinking he was undefeatable But his health bar did go to O But he kept standing there being tripped, paralyzed back stabbed ECT..
O joy But wait what is that monk doing Saving the Dev! Why? O and one war forge that was killed by +Glin who kept standing on +Glin this is where it gets kind of weird funny strange? +Glin was saying it was creepy that the war forge was shadowing him and would not stop.
OK so I kept stalking +Glin and holding him in place so others could keep hitting him it got to the point he could not get away so he turned invisible and then got away, I found him about 5 min latter on the roof on the outskirt of the PvP still in the PvP but on the edge so once more found a nice spot and started to shoot him once more after 1 min he evacuated the PvP area and did not come back fun over?
I went back to the seller area and low and behold there is Loath in all here glory and people shooting hitting swords slashing and anything else thy could, Loath did kill someone but the person who challenge her was running for his life(kiting)while others were hitting her with all thy had and she was losing HP and was dropping slowly she got to about 1/3 Hp and shot her web up in the tree and she was gone.
I myself Hope that the Devs keep being play full for it does make the game fun when you don’t want to run anything.
: On a side note the dev’s also had released an army of Dark elves’ among other things I was not there for and I wished I was!