like the title saids sign if you want to keep the current live combat system
like the title saids sign if you want to keep the current live combat system
tepidus flamma of amicitia mos usquequaque persevero ustulo in nostrum pectus pectoris pro totus infinitio
It is really to late to do anything now. Turbine is going to go forward with the new changes they made and theres no going back. /Not signed
Last edited by pearlharbor66; 06-22-2012 at 01:47 PM.
/not signed
Asking for a change to game mechanics three days before release is like asking for a 2014 model car in 2012.
As I stated elsewhere, experienced DMs already knew how broke D20 AC was at the upper levels. The difference between here and table top is the fact that living DMs could fudge things on the fly to keep it fun, and to let non combat optimal builds still have a blast.
So, by your own logic, Yes, they did go forward with something that wouldn't work and are now trying to fix it.
And I guarantee you that WotC will be watching to see how this plays out.
So youre for not replacing something that isnt working with something else that also isnt working, because the semantics of how the new system doesnt work are different than the semantics of how the current system doesnt work, solely because we cant be bothered to learn a new system that doesnt work because doing so takes us out of our established comfort zone in the current system which doesnt work.
Reminds me of the insurance debacle here in America.
Damned if they do.
Damned if they dont.
Film at 11.
Ac is completely worthless to everyone of the toons I play on live. Of all the guilders that I play with only two are ac tanks and the rest never bother.
Even if it is sideways progress, it is better the the stagnation we have. Personally any new system that actually has me considering the effectiveness of using a shield and armor is not 100% borked.
If you know your neighbor is beating his kids and locking them under the stairs, then not speaking out is worse than inaction.
When a video game manufacturer is about to make a major change (that some don't like and others do.. your statement that it isn't working is subjective, it is just that you do not like it) to an existing video game, then it matters not one bit whether you speak up. There is no 'worse' choice. Not to mention this update IS going to happen in under 72 hours unless an act of god, war or nature occurs.
Get outraged about real world crimes and injustices, get over imagined video game injustices.
Naggesh-Drow Wiz PM TR--Borax DethAxe-Dwarf Rng/Mnk/Fgt--Accomplice of the Sorcerer-WF Arti TR --Ombrah the Outcast-BF Pali--Luxxs Interior-Human Bard WC--Xeak the Dirty-1/2ling Rog Assassin--Poli Styrene-Human Arti
i was talking with allot of players on sarlona and quite a lot of people don't like the new changes in the combat system plus about 30 vips are talking about canceling the subscriptions and going to a different game can't remember how many others were talking about quiting this game also
tepidus flamma of amicitia mos usquequaque persevero ustulo in nostrum pectus pectoris pro totus infinitio
It won't help, but please do not change the combat system to this proposed piece of (censored) (blank).
Why oh why do this? It was improvised, and obviously not thought through at all. Prudence dictates waiting with changing anything until a thought-through solution can be found.
Going ahead with this simply because, well, "it's what we have", is silly.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Honestly I believe the clear majority will end up really liking this update. You can't please everyone ever when fundamental changes happen in an MMO. I have seen it many times in my 12 years of playing them.
One thing I know is if it benefits a very strong majority who end up liking it, it's unlikely to fail.
this update? obviously you dont know about the bugs that werent fixed and wont be until the first patch a few weeks from now.Nothing quite like having every single equipment ability stop working like heavy fort,+6 stuff etc.I dont like roughly half the changes but ill live with them,or possibly die horribly in every way possible because i play a monk.
Last edited by Kiel; 06-22-2012 at 09:58 PM.
I would /sign if there were any hope of this happening by Monday. But that will never happen. Turbine is saving the old combat system to roll it out with next year's expansion pack. It's a sure fire way to sell a new pack
"Preorder the "Demise of the Dracolich" expansion pack and revert your combat system to the old d20 mechanic. Start using this new (old) tech right away! Don't miss out. If you choose not to preorder, you'll have to use the cruddy curvy system we implemented instead. Also earn a free Tarasque pet for preordering as well."
They would have my $$ in a heartbeat. I can't think of another way I'd preorder an expansion again.
It's a whole "new coke" thing.
Last edited by redspecter23; 06-22-2012 at 10:14 PM.
Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen
/signed for the d20
/not signed for a lame half system that doesnt stop the power creep and makes no difference altogheter
Check out my Cannith trade list:
/not signed
I think there is room for improvements in the new system but it would be better to recommend those improvements instead of continuing to rely on a system that the inflated MMO numbers have outgrown. I would rather see some revisions on the attack bonuses and defense bonuses as we become more familiar with what works and what doesn't instead of use a system where the majority of AC can be largely irrelevant.
And realistically, the main reason the table top game is simpler is because of the need to be able to do the calculations quickly. If we could run a more elaborate system in PnP tabletop I'm sure it would have been designed more elaborately. I think a more elaborate system can bring more of the intent of the original system than the original system possibly could.
Now to the devs: improve inspire greatness, inspire heroics, add dex and wis AC bonuses as dodge instead, and look at many of the other suggestions that came out that have not been added.
Not using a system where the majority of AC is relevant does not mean we have to use the hugely flawed system they are implementing. And no the inflated MMO numbers had not outgrown the old system. just a couple of very simple tweaks would have been enough, in fact those tweaks should have been implemented from the start.I think there is room for improvements in the new system but it would be better to recommend those improvements instead of continuing to rely on a system that the inflated MMO numbers have outgrown. I would rather see some revisions on the attack bonuses and defense bonuses as we become more familiar with what works and what doesn't instead of use a system where the majority of AC can be largely irrelevantProgress is certainly not made by creating a system that is even more broken than the broken system.Progress isn't made by way of sitting on ass. The current system is broken
94 self buffed AC on a 6th life toon on live, step into the beta and I magically turn into a barb that gets hit every single time! totally /signed