!. Yes, RS burst or aura breaks invis. Are you so very attached to using those AT ALL TIMES that you are unable to heal without them? If I stay invis in ToD, I do not attract orthon aggro, and therefore require less healing. If I need less(or no) healing, why do I need aura? Be adaptable folks!
2. Tremor-sense mobs-try this next time, step, step, jump. Breaking up the step pattern helps decrease the chances you will be heard or sensed. Works a charm in most wildernesses and dungeons where true-seeing is not an issue.
Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zeleste, Zeeby
Besides casting true seeing on themselves, Trog Shamans also can cast Dispel Magic on you. So in Coal Chamber you have to watch your buff bar 100% of the time, since you might think you are invis, but you're not. (saying buff bar here because invis sometimes glitches graphically, at least for me)
When you get dispelled you have to re-invis ASAP and it can happen near a lot of mobs, generating some instant alert regardless. Some areas during the climbs have bat spawns, so nothing to do there. And of course don't take the gems they spawn stuff =P
Invis can still work though, but I find if you are in a group everyone needs their own clickies and probably several invis pots as well. The quest is somewhat long, with doors to open which break invis and there is only one shrine. The last elite for streak I've done I had around 11 clickies I still had to pot some invis - I blame the trog shamans dispel!