I am close to TRing now... almost got the Epic Tokens I need and am farming out some items I think I will need
He/She will be an AA Pure Elf Ranger
I wanted to check I wasnt missing anything I will need, please let me know
>>Ioun Stone(s) (a Con/Str one and Spell Absorption one, unsupressed) --- unsure if I should farm a Con or Str one, which +6 is better at 5th level for an AA Pure Archer?, Str or Con?
>>FF and UA item via Crafting
>>The best fort Item I can get (either named or non)
>>Minos Legens
>>The best blur item I can get
>>Finish my LitII Bow (almost done, just need S/Shards)
>>The best Leather Armor and dodge and protection items I can get
>>Best Con/Str/Dex and evenutally Wis Stat items I can get
>>Resist item if possible
>>Stacks of Yugo pots
>>Something with blindness immunity on it
>>Something with false life on it
>>Anything with stacking to-hit bonuses/damage bonuses
>>Some decent bows, ideally named ones that are OP for level
Anyone got suggestions on some named gear I can farm that fits in with some of these requirements?
Anyone got suggestions on gear types or things I havent thought of?