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Thread: Gear for TR

  1. #1
    Community Member wlmartin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Gear for TR

    I am close to TRing now... almost got the Epic Tokens I need and am farming out some items I think I will need

    He/She will be an AA Pure Elf Ranger

    I wanted to check I wasnt missing anything I will need, please let me know

    >>Ioun Stone(s) (a Con/Str one and Spell Absorption one, unsupressed) --- unsure if I should farm a Con or Str one, which +6 is better at 5th level for an AA Pure Archer?, Str or Con?
    >>FF and UA item via Crafting
    >>The best fort Item I can get (either named or non)
    >>Minos Legens
    >>The best blur item I can get
    >>Finish my LitII Bow (almost done, just need S/Shards)
    >>The best Leather Armor and dodge and protection items I can get
    >>Best Con/Str/Dex and evenutally Wis Stat items I can get
    >>Resist item if possible
    >>Stacks of Yugo pots
    >>Something with blindness immunity on it
    >>Something with false life on it
    >>Anything with stacking to-hit bonuses/damage bonuses
    >>Some decent bows, ideally named ones that are OP for level

    Anyone got suggestions on some named gear I can farm that fits in with some of these requirements?
    Anyone got suggestions on gear types or things I havent thought of?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fav Quote of All Time
    A Friend is someone who will help you move... A Best Friend is someone who will help you move a BODY!

  2. #2
    The Hatchery
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Minos Legens has heavy fort.
    If you want an ML 9 heavy fort item, there's the necklace off A Relic of a Sovereign Past called the Nightforged Gorget.
    I would also get a few more named gear:
    Tharne's goggles - true seeing, spot, search +15, sneak attack damage
    Crimson Chain (off the Attack on Stormreach pack) - decent AC, haste guard is awesome
    Black Dragonscale armour - off GH tor and Mired in Kobolds by killing black dragons, trading in scales in Gianthold. It looks cool.
    Remlin's Step - striding =). Unless you have the Madstone boots.
    Chaosgarde - only for lawful (unless you have pimp UMD). +2 dodge AC. (from The Xorian Cipher)
    Bloodstone - false life and blurry in the trinket slot.
    Planar Gird - greater heroism clicky, from The Xorian Cipher
    The Blood Stone - Seeker

    The five piece abishai set from Chronoscope (all ML 5)

    also, for lowbies, the crafting system lets you make armour of invulnerability (which is awesome).
    get haste clickies (use potions until then), or the Goggles of Time Sensing (from Chronoscope)
    get lots of potions (bull's strength, haste, cure wounds, etc)

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    spectral gloves

    cannith crafting
    +2attack lvl5
    +4att lvl13
    sup stability lvl9now
    +5ench saves
    and check maybe find smth for you

    guild sloted items - nice bosts on low lvls

    amulet of silver flame low lvl prot from evil
    cove trinket with blur min lvl4
    silver bow
    bow from abbot
    if got torc - nice for self healing
    & smth to boost healing spells

  4. #4
    Community Member Paryan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Sunnyshadow View Post

    Bloodstone - false life and blurry in the trinket slot.
    Think you mean dusk heart here...
    Agro - Paryan, Pary, Parrii, Parriahh

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