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Thread: Great Players

  1. #61
    Community Member zonedout_loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post

    I love most of the people I game with. So long as you're not arrogant or loud I've probably enjoyed gaming with you. Special shout out to conjii / mechgyver as he spent about 13 lives TRing with me. We had one more but he left the game

    dont let tink see that picture...
    Proud member of House of MANGAR

  2. #62
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zonedout_loser View Post
    dont let tink see that picture...
    That's the new graphic in the examine window for the long-lasting barkskin pots.

  3. #63
    The Hatchery landona54's Avatar
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    Default Different Time

    Without an AM channel, argo is a different beast these days. I don't know 90% of the names on this list, 90% of those people on the list don't probably know me. Argo is full of great players, and I guarentee the best one won't make the list, cuz not a one of us probably knows him or her. Most of us are tr'ing non-stop anyway, just finished my 52nd TR. The list will be better served in 6 months when end game is relevant again.
    Landos Completionist PM 23/23 lives-Landolf FVS 10/10 lives-Landando 10/10 lives- Sorc Landdeuce Cleric 12/12 lives-Household 6/6 lives Fighter-Landoa Barb 3/3 lives, Landbando 2nd life Bard, Landona 2nd life Pally, Landoc 2nd life EIN Cleric, Wreckt 2nd life Arti
    HELLO!!...You play to win THE Game

  4. #64
    Community Member Erekose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by landona54 View Post
    Without an AM channel, argo is a different beast these days. I don't know 90% of the names on this list, 90% of those people on the list don't probably know me. Argo is full of great players, and I guarentee the best one won't make the list, cuz not a one of us probably knows him or her. Most of us are tr'ing non-stop anyway, just finished my 52nd TR. The list will be better served in 6 months when end game is relevant again.
    My vote is

    Mace, and

    As a foot note. My view of a great player is one that can play all classes, in any conditions. I place some value on TR skillz but much more on end game.
    Last edited by Erekose; 06-23-2012 at 06:18 AM.

  5. #65
    Community Member
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    Talking Lolol

    I honestly do not know how most of the honorable mentions could be suggested or implied towards players on this server. After being on Arg since day one and literally, i mean literally I have ran with only a handful of players and groups that could even remotely be respected for thier gameplay standards and mechanics. It is illogical to equate such privilages to most. I understand we all play differently and I respect that, but to give mention to the quite apparent lack of genuine D&D comradarie and community is so blantantly wrong.

    ...and do NOT get me started on how impatient players can be. If you expect zerging and fastruns, then GOOO play an FPS or similar, not a D&D mmorpg. You play a D&D game for the story(quest/s)and the involvement in the story. There are plenty of other mmo's out there to satiate anyones fetish.

    Lastly, D&D is NOT an instance game, it is a QUEST/ADVENTURE game...PERIOD!!!

  6. #66
    Community Member jstroud's Avatar
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    Zeran Hampsterherder
    Isadora Ironclaw
    Heystack Ironhorse
    Onyx Panther

    These guys are the best, period.

  7. #67
    Community Member Tolsimar's Avatar
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    I guess all my character are stuck at good and haven't gotten to great yet . Anyways here is a short list of people who are great at contributing to the group and are also nice/helpful to talk to.

    Thingg (helped me through my first TOD)

    There are probably others, but I wanted to make this a quick post.

  8. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    I'm sure I'll forget some people but I can't limit the list to 5.

    Brenna (Mofo is just scary with a drow rogue...seriously)
    Amad (The ev6 speech is stuck in my head on replay)
    Appep (die)
    Binomial (wherever he's been hiding)
    Emma (Always willing to bring whatever we need)
    Tink (only when you give her barkskin)
    Overeem (when he can stay connected)
    Dunker (sometimes)
    Logen (Thanks for the payment)

    I know there are many more that I can't think of off the top of my head atm. Thanks for making argo enjoyable. I will celebrate by restocking grease scroll for all of your raids.
    This is true, Tink only achieves true levels of awesomeness when she has been barkskinned. Don't worry if she protests that it is not required, or she will skin you alive, what she really means is she wants an extended barkskin at all times.
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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    Arko Highstar
    Arckos Highstar

  9. #69
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    heh ok i see i got mentioned twice. thanks dj and tigerlilli-(a great healer from evocati) be nice to her and she will help you. :P

    your right. I'm not uber nor are my toons the best geared. What i do is strive to be good at what i do whatever that maybe. I do have a tolerance but it is short as well. I will go out of my way to help any player if their not a complete jackass or wont listen. ya wanna be a jerk off dont join any group with me.

    I just like to play the game for fun and tr when i get around to it.

    my top 5 not in any order.

    Yummi- always been a great leader and is willing to give people a chance.
    molihua- one of my favorite healers :P that is if she admits it :P or isn't drinking her wine :P
    tster- that dude always cracks me up. what can i say.
    phychur- of one foot in the grave. i don't think you come on the forums. you made a guild who likes to have fun and talk smack. glad to be in it.
    Dj- heh you will always have the spikes to remember :P

    now granted there are so many names i have ran with or i haven't mentioned i enjoy. There are some that people named in here i don't like because of their attitude. heh but who cares what others think. we have our type we like and let's run with that. if you like em let them know. if ya don't leave it be.
    heh i think i need to go back to wizard and do more skelly runs with that famous grease lol :P
    Last edited by arkonas; 06-23-2012 at 07:13 PM.

  10. #70
    Community Member Edamame's Avatar
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    Ran with a TR the other day named Phortune-he was pretty good!


  11. #71
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    Will keep adding as I remember...

    Jontillius (been away for a year, former player of FALW)

  12. #72
    Community Member Talonaise's Avatar
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    In Guild


    Out of Guild

    But again, these are people I play with. I am sure there are others I don't know that are good. And I have been in TR land for two years now, so end game has been mainly with guild. Honestly, it is a very subjective thing, and often becomes more about who we like rather than who is amazing.
    Last edited by Talonaise; 06-23-2012 at 04:05 PM.
    Kitraine ~ Degenerate Matter
    Completionist / Epic Completionist - 15 Druid / 4 Favored Soul / 1 Sorcerer
    Triple past lives Sorcerer/Wizard/Cleric/Favored Soul/Druid/Morninglord

    Other Main Capped Characters
    Krestal Sorcerer Azlix Cleric Talonaise Rogue Assassin

  13. #73
    Community Member Bain-Deathtouch's Avatar
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    Default agree

    But again, these are people I play with. I am sure there are others I don't know that are good. And I have been in TR land for two years now, so end game has been mainly with guild. Honestly, it is a very subjective thing, and often becomes more about who we like rather than who is amazing.[/QUOTE]

    ^^^ THIS, u are totally right u might not ever meet some of the really great players out there for many reasons, u or they might not pug groups, time zones differences and play styles all contribute to who u get a chance to play with in this game. This was not meant to be anything more that to say Thanks and Big Ups to the Good people u do get to play with.

    And thanks for the props Azlix (kit)
    Githyankii Proud member of IA

  14. #74
    Community Member briannaberry's Avatar
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    This was not meant to be anything more that to say Thanks and Big Ups to the Good people u do get to play with.

    And thanks for the props Azlix (kit)

    This is what I got out of the point of the thread. People you enjoy running with for many different reasons, OR people who don't get to run with but know are SUPER and want to mention them, or people who try hard, need a lil work, but are still awesome, or maybe people you met through pugging who are groovycats!

    I pug a lot. I love it! I have met some pretty rad people.

    There's a thread for people to NOT run with, I love the idea of this one. It puts a positive spin on it. Haters gonna hate. <3
    Exalinia Kay - Torafin Viir - Emmacat Fembot - Emmakat Fembot - Emmabacon Strawberry

  15. #75
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briannaberry View Post
    This is what I got out of the point of the thread. People you enjoy running with for many different reasons, OR people who don't get to run with but know are SUPER and want to mention them, or people who try hard, need a lil work, but are still awesome, or maybe people you met through pugging who are groovycats!

    I pug a lot. I love it! I have met some pretty rad people.

    There's a thread for people to NOT run with, I love the idea of this one. It puts a positive spin on it. Haters gonna hate. <3

    heh sometimes. that is why channels pugging can be fun. sometimes you find a new or returning player. As well as other players good or bad. sometimes it's because their drunk or whatever or way they act.

    Even though people had mentioned some names doesn't mean their nice either. some are quite rude. Some only care about themselves. long story short its great we get to choose who we run with whether their good or not. maybe we like those train wrecks. who knows

  16. #76
    Ultimate Uber Completionist Dalsheel's Avatar
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    Interesting thread
    So 10 names from the top of my head, many more should probably be added:

    Qrush - FALW (Awesome TR buddy, great player. Creative and persistent)
    Vodca - Halfling Mafia (we miss you!)
    Denxien - Korthos Army (Awesome player, Master of Archery no doubt about it!)
    Fraktal - SMA (Keep calling me Nessy and you're off this list :P)
    Krolmdra - IA (aka Humenz)
    Xanthrax - Storm's End (DaKilla!)
    Mitrandir - PdCF (When's the next 6-man eChrono?)
    Lucciii - Breaking Bad (I'll let you know when the next 6-man eChrono is up)
    Ioldanach - Noble by Design (Feast your eyes on the true Sorc of Argo!)
    Jomppe - Zerg Zerg (This guy is a beast!)

    Order doesn't matter. All these guys are amazing players and I'm happy to party with them anytime.

    Argonnessen - Death N Taxes
    Main: Dalsheel, Paladin - Triple everything
    Alts: Elralia, Wizard - Retired for now // Nesnibtan, Undecided - Currently on the TR-Train

  17. #77
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Default zerg on!

    Quote Originally Posted by ice4chill View Post
    I honestly do not know how most of the honorable mentions could be suggested or implied towards players on this server. After being on Arg since day one and literally, i mean literally I have ran with only a handful of players and groups that could even remotely be respected for thier gameplay standards and mechanics. It is illogical to equate such privilages to most. I understand we all play differently and I respect that, but to give mention to the quite apparent lack of genuine D&D comradarie and community is so blantantly wrong.

    ...and do NOT get me started on how impatient players can be. If you expect zerging and fastruns, then GOOO play an FPS or similar, not a D&D mmorpg. You play a D&D game for the story(quest/s)and the involvement in the story. There are plenty of other mmo's out there to satiate anyones fetish.
    Hopefully i won't derail this thread:

    While I respect your opinion, remember ddo is not d&d. It's an online game.

    There is no actual DM modifying events and happily walking us into our doom. There is really little story that needs to be followed: I can't, for example, fail the game because I didn't follow the story. In fact, if you never even understand/read the story you can progress as far as everyone else and be blissfully ignorant.

    As a game we play and have fun in various different ways. Some groups enjoy racing to the finish. This is how they choose to enjoy themselves. Some people prefer to solo in an MMORPG. That's their prerogative. There is no incorrect way to have fun (though, telling others how to play a game comes close)

    When some of us play a quest that takes 20 minutes, when it could have taken 1 min, that is not fun. Zerg on!

    Quote Originally Posted by ice4chill View Post
    Lastly, D&D is NOT an instance game, it is a QUEST/ADVENTURE game...PERIOD!!!
    Sorry could you reset my instance I'm scroll farming.

  18. #78


    there are only 4 people I recognize as being great players

    - Star firefall, very quick, very selfsufficient
    - Tinkrrbell, very quick, very selfsufficient
    - Yummimummi, there are a few of his class but IMO he's the best of them.
    - Klelia, best healer I know, fast/high hp heals, agressive enough to make me keep up with her instead of the other way around, never have to worry about dieing nor do I have to flee the scene if i'm low till I get a heal.

    shame it doesn't really say who the greatest players on this server are, it's just a subjective list of people we know or are be-friend/guilded with.
    Last edited by AidanRyuko; 06-24-2012 at 09:14 AM.

  19. #79
    Community Member Schnellcast's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    It's all opinionated! That means...

    Top 5
    1) Me
    2) Myself
    3) I
    4) Scrollfarmer
    5) Skrollcaster

    Now I guess I give me reason(s)...

    He has limited patience with new players, and will help them if they are willing to learn, otherwise he'll kick them and get his daily humor.

    He never asks, "Shar Plz."

    He is doing a life with a 10/10 barb/sorc (how much worse can you get?), and he still manages to over-pull his own weight.

    He gets kicked from parties for zerging off on his own and doing most of the quest, which apparently ticks other people off.

    He is really bad at giving reasons why he should be considered a great player.

    Well he sure looks like a great player to me!

    Coldest and Gunga
    Level 25/Female/Warforged/Wizard
    Level 22/Male/Dwarf/Favored Soul
    Level 10/8/Male/Warforged/Sorcerer + Barbarian/6th past life

  20. #80
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erekose View Post
    As a foot note. My view of a great player is one that can play all classes, in any conditions. I place some value on TR skillz but much more on end game.
    Interesting. My idea of a great player is someone that shines or excels in one class, knows the game mechanics, makes smart decisions fast when fast decisions are needed, always contribute in some fashion to completions, comes prepared, and is always willing to help.

    Everyone I'd have listed is already named here, so no point in putting in names, lest I forget someone.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

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