I tried bugging this in-game 3 times tonight, but near as I can tell all 3 attempts failed (redirected to a black screen instead of a "thank you for submitting a bug", and no email confirmation either). I'll try again later.
I can't add attachments, so screenshot is a googleDocs link
Hotbars that are placed in a vertical orientation will sometimes become squished when I log-in; their height is unchanged, but their width is a few pixels less. Attached is a screen shot, in which all horizontal hotbars are fine, a couple of the leftmost vertical hotbars are fine, but all of the other vertical hotbars are squished. This is most apparent with the two cure light wounds spells that are side by side: the red cross makes it easy to see that the spell on the right is distinctly skinnier (squished looking) than the one on the left.
This can be corrected by reloading a saved ui layout or rotating a squished hotbar, but the problem always comes back eventually.
I've had this happen with several characters that I regularly used during the open beta.
- seems to only happen when logging in, not when changing zones
- seems to be pretty random in occurrence
- seems to only affect vertical hotbars
- logging out will preserve a hotbar's squished status (a squished hotbar will never fix itself during a subsequent log-in)
- the specific hotbars affected is not consistent, i.e., it is not always the exact same hotbars that become squished as shown in the screenshot, although the hotbar closest to the edge of the screen (far right) seems to have the problem more often than the rest. The large number of squished hotbars in the screenshot was achieved through successive log-out/log-ins to illustrate the problem more clearly and demonstrate that the effect is cumulative; they did not all become squished during the same log-in attempt.
Cannot be reliably reproduced whenever I desire, it appears random from my limited POV. However, after relogging enough times the problem will eventually recur; sometimes only one log-out/log-in will be enough for the problem to reappear after correcting it, other times it may take a dozen.