By the way, I had some spare time today so I took a stroll through Abbot post-expansion.
I haven't read up on the changes in the expansion yet, but whatever they are, they've resulted in a severely buffed up Abbot.
Previously, Abbot had maximize (+100%) on normal and hard, and maximize and empower (+150%) on elite. This meant that on normal and hard, Abbot would do 2x damage (compared with the damage of the spell at the cap of caster level 20) and on elite, Abbot would do 2.5x damage.
For example, disintegrate normally does 6d3+12 (average 24) damage on a save and 40d3+120 (average 200) damage on a fail. So prior to the expansion, Abbot would do ~48 damage on a save and ~400 damage on a fail for normal or hard, and ~60 damage on a save and ~500 damage on a fail for elite. Similarly, for horrid wilting, it's 20d3+60 (average 100) damage, so it is ~100 damage on save and ~200 damage on fail for normal or hard, and ~250 damage on elite.
Well, when I went in there today, it seems like Abbot now does 2.5x damage on normal, 3x damage on hard, and 4.25x damage on elite. In other words, a failed disintegrate will now do 500, 600, and 850 damage (by difficulty), rather than the original 400, 400, and 500. Horrid wilting now does 125/150/212.5 damage on save and 250/300/425 damage on fail.
The saves themselves don't seem to have changed, so it's not precisely that the current normal matches the previous elite in terms of damage (because you're more likely to make your save, since elite saves are higher). However, when you do get hit, the damage that he'll do is much higher now. Also, he seems to have the same amount of HP, at least on hard. I haven't gone through and calculated the HP on other difficulties, but on hard he had between 209858 and 210019 HP; for those of you familiar with the pixel method, the larger HP bar now has 162 pixels instead of the original 148. This is pretty much the same as his HP prior to update 14.
So his HP is the same, but he now hits much harder. I haven't read up on the expansion notes yet but it seemed like with the new combat system, you also won't be doing as much damage due to no longer being able to always hit on a 2 or higher, meaning less DPS (assuming same gear) due to more misses.
In short, Abbot has undergone a hefty increase in damage, and is effectively harder to damage. Consider yourselves warned. I'm glad I got the 2-man Abbot in before the expansion, although I'll likely try again whenever I have time to read up on the changes and level up to 25.
Damage change over expansion
diff prev U14 incr
normal 2x 2.5x +25%
hard 2x 3x +50%
elite 2.5x 4.25x +70%
Horrid wilting damage
diff prev U14
n save 100 125
h save 100 150
e save 125 212.5
n fail 200 250
h fail 200 300
e fail 250 425
diff prev U14
n save 48 60
h save 48 72
e save 60 102
n fail 400 500
h fail 400 600
e fail 500 850
For those that may be disbelieving, here's a screenshot on elite:
Although this may or may not have been intended, it seems like the developers keep feeling like the fight in Abbot is too easy, since it received the biggest buff from the previous update (from 50k/50k/50k HP to 135k/209k/303k HP), and now does significantly more spell damage and is harder to hit (resulting in taking less damage) with the expansion. I'm not sure if epic destinies or new gear or something is meant to be powerful enough to counter this. I hope Abbot's loot has been buffed up to compensate.