Hi everyone!

My name is Chris. I just returned to the game about a month ago after a 2-year hiatus. I've been playing since launch but left a couple of months after Gianthold was introduced.

Over the past month, I've been getting my "chops" back so to speak and currently getting ready to do my first TR with my WF PM wizard (currently 19.2, going wiz-wiz-wiz). I'm hoping to hit 20 over the next couple of days and then TR right away.

Since this will be my first TR, I'm not exactly sure what to expect with the leveling pace. I'm hoping to do it fairly quickly since I'd like to use a stone on my 3rd life before they get removed from the game (Aug 20 if I'm not mistaken).

I was wondering if there are any fellow Thelanites who would be interested in forming a group to help each other through TR. I know the low and mid-level quests very well and starting to learn the (new to me) higher-level content. I've been reading some of the leveling guides and I'm fully prepared for the zerg!

I'm usually on nights from 8-11ish central time and I have voice.

Rustoleum (thinking about going Rog 2/Wiz 18 to help with traps while leveling)
Valbourg (my crafter)

Feel free to post or PM here or message me in-game. Thanks!