Hello random stranger on the internet,

long story short (well not really...) i took a break for about a month or so ago (lol skyrim) then came back and when i did i capped my arti about a week ago and have been running raids and epics with him doing the whole grind. as i was leveling up i was looking at what to slot his 18th level feat and at the time quickdraw seemed to be the only logical option because i didn't see much else that really popped out to me. my reasoning behind this feat was that it would make endless fusilaude and scroll swapping quicker. now the scroll swapping has been quicker but i haven't noticed EF's animation to be any faster, still that lame slow animation... so what im looking for from you is thoughts or suggestions as to a replacement.

Thing's i was concidering as options.
Construct Essence
Augment summons

CE - seeing as i am half elf (for rog dilly purposes, and the fact that i hate playing toasters) this is quite attractive seeing as im not always so quick with player reaction time on the heal scrolls, so the thought of being able to self heal without dealing with item swapping (something i loathe) sounds great, however this feat has always seemed like a trap to me seeing as it doesn't heal for as much as it would on a WF, and that would mean burning through my already miniscule mana pool that much faster.

Augment Summons - IIRC this feat beef's up not only my dog but flame turret aswell, but flame turrets damage as is isn't enough for me to see a feat being worth the cost. and my dog get's one shotted in epics anyway so i doubt the addition of this feat would be a game breaker for him. although i've noticed alot of people wanting arti's with this feat for hound runs... but i just can't seem to justify spending a feat slot i would only use in one raid.

Quicken - too few spells that actually require the use of quicken, i would only take it if CE was added for the purpose of quickened reconstructs.

Thoughts/suggestions/am i a total noob and quick draw is better then im giving it credit for?