Name the best guild on Orien!
It can't be your own, reason are cool!
Name the best guild on Orien!
It can't be your own, reason are cool!
~Pele 24thLife~~Pezu FvS Sorceror Life 6/7~~Rhomp Barbarian! (Life 5/5)~~Llamafapper(Life 4/4)
....Can't touch this....
-Proud Founder/Leader of The Matrix-
Defenders - because who else can get to lvl 70 everyday for past month or so ? Thats a serious achievement !
Last edited by Shaatan; 06-17-2012 at 08:15 PM.
I'd say The Obsidian Marquis and The Fight Club.
Reason being they both are the most easy going people you can run with, be it raids or questing and are always open to helping new people.
These guys will go trough overextended explanation of the raid if you're new to it and will not trash talk to any builds or inexperienced players. A big + to Verlichte and Clairvoyant, keep up the awesome job.
=$==$==$==$==$==$==$==ORIEN==$==$==$==$==$==$==$=Darthwolf **(?_?) Zendarth m(?_?m) Darthnoheals \(?_?)=$==$==$==$==$==$==House Do'Urden==$==$==$==$==$==$=
Legend - for being largely wonderful and in no way a 'lesser' guild ; )
Schrodinger's Cat Support Group - because I love the name!
| Loonatic Fringe | Faffing Around | Notinn The Face | Tacked Tickle Error | Postcode Lottery | Juanhit Wonder | Hatchett Job |
| Mockin The Afflicted | Lyraa Silvertongue | Kerfuffle | Looony | Seese And Desist | Illgott Engains | Innna Jiff |
Legend - they're not like us "lesser" guildsand most of them are actually nice to boot!
Orien Characters: Indolent, Rubyescence, MumboJumbo, Humdrum, Wynelle, Lexiann, and a handful of others.
One of these days my big mouth is going to get me into trouble :P.
Community Member
Community Member
Who has the best guild! LLothh has the best guild!
Characters: Weii +/- lots of i's
Can't decide the "best", so just listed down the ones I like. XD
- Legend - was always that guild with the nice, good people
- Vrinn Shadowers - always a blast to finish/wipe with these guys XD (don't leave your sense of humor at home!)
- Soko Irrlicht - same as for Vrinn, also like how these people take the time to teach raids to neophytes
- Phoenix Knights - different crowd there now, but still cool
- Gimpfest - cause Shix is a nub
Last edited by Isharah; 06-19-2012 at 12:03 PM.
Isharah(water savant) | Moooo I'm a Turtle(turtle tank) | Darlene(typical healer wannabe)
Over Raided- by far for having the most 1st times of pretty much everything defanitly has the best players on server in it.
Epic Fail- I have never been in a fail raid with this guildThey are extremely helpful to newbs like me
House Do'Urden- done a lot of 2-4man epics with this guild **** good players
Legends- because they have Olympousmons and footsie- serious note Every single person from their guild that I have ran into not only was awesome but just friendly nature.
intel req- have never seen a sorc with epic Crowd control till I ran into Alcena If that isn't uberness I do not know what is.
Im sure there are other great guilds out there I just haven't grouped with them enough to know.
massivheals / massivsponge - Orien server
Member of Blood bath and Beyond
Guild webpage-
I've run with Sullivan's Slayers a bit and they are a nice bunch. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Sullivans has the guild.
Vrinn Shadowers - Best guild of them all! (besides my own, of course) I just loooove all of them
The Myths - been playing with a lot of them for years; it's always nice to raid with them.
Soko Irrlicht - friendly German group! And they have a shiny golden dwarf!
Gimpfest - also been playing with these guys for years!
OR - fastest completions, first completions, and overall achivements make this the (arguably) the best guild worldwide
Soko Irrlicht - the past 3/4 lives have been a blast runnin with those guys
Gimpfest - awesome players, altough teo and heirof are a bunch of gimps lol (jks)
PK - kudos to Gondill for rebuilding the guild and makin it even more awesome
there r plenty more guilds i like in the server but those r the ones in my head even when the game is off ^^
The Myths
Last edited by puppets17; 06-20-2012 at 03:25 PM.
Epic Fail - Great group of nice players.
Server: Orien
Guild: Over Raided
Toons: Phasma - Swashbuckler ; Ceroni - Acrobat ; Selina Air Savant ; Cachin - Artificer
the Bastion of Halfling Bukkake Barbarians
Last edited by gravestones; 06-20-2012 at 03:12 PM.
Elite Brasil xD they r all my friendys xD
Orien - Sonilasfx/Soniilax/Sonnifly/Soniitank