Is it WAI for Troglodyte Stench to not have a saving throw?
Was trying stuff in the Vale of Twilight and my level 20 monk got hit with Troglodyte Stench.
On live poison immunity, including that from monk's Diamond Body feat, makes one immune to stench.
On Lamannia Diamond body now only gives immunity to "ability score damage" from natural posions, but +10 save to magical posions.
Troglodyte Stench is a natural poison that does not do ability score damage, so completely dodges the monk's Diamond Body. So is it a hole in the new implementation that there is no save?
I've not tested to see if a poison immunity item will block it, never needed one before on the monk. Not happy that I now have to fit one in if that's the only way to avoid the annoying stench effects.