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  1. #1
    Community Member Syrophir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Assassinate bugged

    For some reason assassinate gets aggro before making DC check for kill from sneak. Impossible to assassinate encounters that doesn't have aggro on someone else or been bluffed first.

    I have to use sap bluff and assassinate or let them aggro some party member to kill my target.
    Guild: aLiclan Main: Ichilphira (FvS/Caster) Prime alt: Ichilphrion (Melee)
    Has been playing DDO, on and off, since 2006.
    Moved from Keeper/EU to Thelanis in 2010.

  2. #2
    Community Member Blakelore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    I have ran into this as well..
    Thought it was just some epic ward in Kings Forest at first, but then after using it in quests and other explorer areas ( like vale ) it always failed, unless something has drawn agro... like a summon, hireling ... or even a party member ( like those party members give you time to sneak up on something anyways.. :-) )

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