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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Baiting Bite and Natures Warrior still bugged.

    Baiting bite is still not making bluff checks. I have yet to see a mob get bluffed when using this skill and my skill level with bluff is high enough that it works when i press bluff skill button rather than using bating bite.*

    Natures warrior PRE is still not properly adding the extra damage to mobs under 50% (seems to proc very occasionally but not on every hit on mob below 50% health)

    *dunno if anyones tried this on a race other than half elf. Wondered if it could have anything to do with the bonus HE get to bluff causing issues. No doubt its just a full on bug though.

    Also do I need to keep bug reporting this over and over to get it noticed, or should the bug report i put in last beta still be noted?

  2. #2
    Developer Vesuvium's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    The bug is in our system. I was actually just investigating it a bit myself today. You shouldn't need to file any more reports.

    Thanks for the reports you did file, though! We appreciate you taking the time to do it. I totally understand that it sometimes feels like you're yelling into a black box, but we really do see these reports, and they're quite valuable - there are plenty of bugs that we hear about because players reported them to us. Part of the problem is just that you don't see very fast turn-around on it.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvium View Post
    The bug is in our system. I was actually just investigating it a bit myself today. You shouldn't need to file any more reports.

    Thanks for the reports you did file, though! We appreciate you taking the time to do it. I totally understand that it sometimes feels like you're yelling into a black box, but we really do see these reports, and they're quite valuable - there are plenty of bugs that we hear about because players reported them to us. Part of the problem is just that you don't see very fast turn-around on it.
    Thank you very much. I really appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge it.

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