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  1. #1
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Default Questions: Monk-like weapon effects work in animal form? Or 2 weapon fighting?

    Ok so this may have been answered before, but i swear i looked before asking. I tested out everythign i could but alas, i dont have the gear on lammania to answer all these questions.

    According to the in-game description on lammania, when druids are fighting in animal form, the base dice of their natural weapons changes to whatever the animal form says, but the druid still gets the weapon effects (such as flaming) of the weapon they are carrying.

    So here are my questions:
    If a druid were wearing a tod ring slotted for handwrap style damage like a monk, will these apply to the druid's attacks?

    If a druid is wearing a non-weapon item that gives weapon bonuses, such as banishing fists, crippling (a-la chain shirt or dragontouched armor), fire damage from red dragonscale armor, seeker bonus, or whatever else, will these apply in animal form?

    If the druid is carrying two weapons like a two weapon fighter, will all the effects work? For example, if i have a +1 flaming burst shortsword in one hand and a +1 icy burst in the other, will my natural attacks have flaming burst and icy burst? If the answer is no and only the main hand weapon counts, what about effects from a secondary weapon that are meant to be applied to all weapons, such as +10 seeker from an alchemical weapon?

    On a similar note, what about effects that come from a shield, such as doublestrike bonuses or greater bane shield?

    Finally, if a druid has a splash of 2 artificer, will the rune arm damage applies to the druid's natural attacks? Will the rune arm fire in animal form?

    I'd really love a dev answer to these questions, or an answer from someone who has actually tested them out.
    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  2. #2
    Community Member Shmuel's Avatar
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    Default pretty please someone answer this!

    Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak

  3. #3
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Runearm = Break oath...then no animal form
    so that is a no go.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Runearms break oath, multiple dev posts about it.

    I tested Tod rings in form, and couldn't get it working the same way all the time. Test inconclusive. New mechanic likely buggy as heck. Testing showed if actually unarmed or using handwraps, Tod rings gave damage all the time. For weapons sometimes it gave it all, sometimes only on crits, sometimes nothing.

    I think that if actually unarmed or using handwraps Monk related stuff will work. It may also be Ki weapons only, but I didn't test that. I passed my limits on testing after 5 weeks, I needed to get stuff done on live before its released.

  5. #5
    Community Member Isildur1212's Avatar
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    Bump, I need this question answered as well.

    Has anyone tested ToD rings lately and is this still the case? If it were I assume ravager set would be working?

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shmuel View Post
    Ok so this may have been answered before, but i swear i looked before asking. I tested out everythign i could but alas, i dont have the gear on lammania to answer all these questions.

    According to the in-game description on lammania, when druids are fighting in animal form, the base dice of their natural weapons changes to whatever the animal form says, but the druid still gets the weapon effects (such as flaming) of the weapon they are carrying.

    So here are my questions:
    If a druid were wearing a tod ring slotted for handwrap style damage like a monk, will these apply to the druid's attacks?

    If a druid is wearing a non-weapon item that gives weapon bonuses, such as banishing fists, crippling (a-la chain shirt or dragontouched armor), fire damage from red dragonscale armor, seeker bonus, or whatever else, will these apply in animal form?

    If the druid is carrying two weapons like a two weapon fighter, will all the effects work? For example, if i have a +1 flaming burst shortsword in one hand and a +1 icy burst in the other, will my natural attacks have flaming burst and icy burst? If the answer is no and only the main hand weapon counts, what about effects from a secondary weapon that are meant to be applied to all weapons, such as +10 seeker from an alchemical weapon?

    On a similar note, what about effects that come from a shield, such as doublestrike bonuses or greater bane shield?

    Finally, if a druid has a splash of 2 artificer, will the rune arm damage applies to the druid's natural attacks? Will the rune arm fire in animal form?

    I'd really love a dev answer to these questions, or an answer from someone who has actually tested them out.
    Hey Shmuel, you know me. I'll answer these in order as my last life I did the druid monk thing:

    I used Holy burst/Icy burst and swapped to Shocking Burst as needed. All three effects proc'ed while in wolf form 100% of the time while wearing handwraps. I did not try without wraps. (TOD rings)

    The non weapon bonus like smite, etc worked as usual in Wolf form. Tested Destruction and seeker.

    Two weapon fighting (I used two Kamas) Only the main hand dealt damage, while the off hand gave non-damage bonuses. For example I tried flaming main, frost off. Only flaming damage showed. I tried using ghost touch on my off and it also wouldn't proc unless my main hand has ghost touch. However, I swapped to Vertigo +10 in my off hand and a multi-element proc in my main and got good damage and +10 to my trip (which I spammed constantly.) all damage effects proc'ed (disruption, stone prison, Paralyzing, etc. )

    I didn't try shield it screwed up the monk thing.

    for double strike, though, I did take three natural fighting and wind stance to get 23% (18% + 5%) double strike.

    Basically everything worked as usual except the off hand only gave tactical bonus, not damage. Main weapon damage was superceded with the Winter Wolf [1d10] 19-20 x3. (IC gave me 17-20) At 20 with Epic Destines and a monk PL I was getting 5.0[1d10) + a lot 17-20 x3 and critting for 600-800 regularly + 8d6 (avr. of 40~) sneak added to the wall-of-procs (Red Dragon Armor Flame Burst, Holy Burst + Shock Burst TOD rings, Force Burst + Icy Burst + Force Damage weapon + Sense Weakness)

    I was able to use stunning fist, Touch of Death, Trip, everything as usual while in Wolf Form.
    Last edited by Syllph; 12-08-2012 at 08:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member SealedInSong's Avatar
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    Default Ugh, shapeshifting

    Quote Originally Posted by Syllph View Post
    Hey Shmuel, you know me. I'll answer these in order as my last life I did the druid monk thing:
    Thanks, +1

    Very informative Syllph. I find the implementation of druid shapeshifted combat as absurd as the way they coded monk unarmed combat. Alas.
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  8. #8
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    I've had a similar issue with a build that I've been testing on live, Druid 9/Barbarian 7/Fighter 4 - Frenzied Dire Bear. When in animal form the additional vicious damage from the Frenzied Rage doesn't get added, only the penalty damage from vicious does.

    Very sad...

    Also, I've tested the shield stuff in animal form. Non-damage stuff(double strike, seeker, vertigo, ect...) as well as defensive damage stuff(guards) all work, but the combat damage effecting stuff(ghost touch, elemental effects, ect...) don't work. Just like if you were to dual wield weapons, the off-hand weapon will act the same. The added bonus to having a shield is the double-strike bonuses from the shield feats will stack with your natural fighting feats.
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