So after checking a few destinies like the Dreadnought and the Fury of Wild, I'm really having trouble finding a reason for my non ranger or rogues to stay TWF if you have a good THF weapon like the ESoS, is there an actual reason for Fighters and Barbs to be TWF?
Lets start with the cleave feats:
Cleave +1[W] additional damage.
Great Cleave +2[W] additional damage.
Supreme Cleave 3 second cooldown, and deals +2[W] additional damage
They all favor greatly THF over a TWF that gets no benefits whatsoever over THF or even one handed fighting when cleaving since one handed cleave is so much faster than THF and TWF. If i have these abilities and even are encouraged to use them then I want them to be effective for my style of fighting as well.
For one feats like cleave and greatcleave, which most of us Barbs and Fighters will have do very pitiful damage with TWF compare to THF, because while THF doesn't get glancing blows while cleaving, it gets 1.5 str and 2x pa bonus, which are some of the main reasons to go THF.
TWF gets the shaft and doesn't get any chance whatsoever to proc offhand, meaning somehow that a character that trained for years mastering TWF, somehow just can't figure out how to cleave with two weapons, well either that or they accidentally carried their phantom weapon in their offhand as I can see my twf toon clearly attack with his offhand weapon. Actually the animation is so slow compared to Shield and Sword, that your TWF character is actually a worse cleaver than a TWF character.
Destiny Abilities, I am assuming here that when you perform an attack its only with your mainhand or else they would have bother to state in the description that your offhand can proc with these abilities, if so do point it out as i don't have access to the beta. Also note that the more damage while helpless benefits THF more as you can just use the +[W] damage abilities and cleaves with THF while they are helpless, same thing with Blitz, 2500% damage with a [W] attack that has much higher damage will favor THF.
Legendary dreadnought
Momentum swing (min level: 20 - Prereq: Cleave) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) Perform an attack with +5[W] damage, +1 critical threat range and critical damage multiplier. Cleave attacks have 15% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability. You must have power attack active to perform this ability.
Lay waste (min level: 20 - Prereq: Cleave && momentum swing) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) Perform an AoE attack with +5[W] damage. On hit: Knocks the target down, Blance DC (10 + character level + strength modifier) negates. Momentum swing has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability. You mush vae power attack active to perform this ability.
Combat brute (required 20): (Passive) You gain +1[W] damage with melee weapons and deal +50% to helpless opponents while any action boost is active
Master's blitz (min level: 20) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Active Cooldown: 5mins) The master's blitz counter increments each time a tactical feat is successfully used. When the counter reaches 50, you gain ability to use Master's Blitz. Activate: For 10 seconds, you gain +50% dodge and deal +25% melee damage. Any time you kill an opponent while under the effects of Master's blitz, you gain an additional stack of melee damage bonus and restart duration. If you are below 50% health when you first activate this ability, you start with 2 stacks of increased damage instead of 1. The damage bonus stack up to 100 times. You lose 1 stack every 15 seconds
Fury of the wild
All 4 Adrenaline abilities Adrenaline Overload (required 20): (Active Cooldown: 5secs) Gain +1 adrenaline use per rest. Consume 1 adrenaline your next attack deals +400% damage and increase your critical threat range by 16. You are considered raged until your next attack.
Sense Weakness (required 4 - Prereq: Acute instinct) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive). You deal [10/20/30]% extra damage to helpless targets. Your melee attacks deal [1d8/1d8/1d8] extra damage to enemies below 75% HP, [0/1d15/1d12] extra damage to enemies below 50% HP, and [0/0/1d20] extra damage to enemies below 25% HP. These are cumulative.